Discussion Hub

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Off The Mark

May 16, 2024
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Occasion are so many people around us..we meet ...and talk to each other
From time to time we have so many occasions but am not really that much of the type that goes out, so I normally tend to ignore the ones I can.
Yes, we have lots of occasions every year. We sit together and eat together on occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, etc. We are 17 members of the family, and it feels good to get together once in a while. I hope you all have the same feeling I do.
Makes me remember the last occasion I went to, it was a wedding of a close friend of mine. It was a joyous occasion no doubt.
Family functions are always a joy to attend, as we have lots of people with whom we may not have met for years. I always try to attend family functions for this reason. I always get excited to attend the functions, to the extent that I start preparing my clothes a few days before the function.