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Nurse Who Killed 17 Patients Jailed For Over 700 Years



Apr 30, 2024
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A US nurse who intended to kill several patients through giving them fatal insulin doses over a three-year period was sentenced to 380–760 years in jail on Saturday. The court was informed that she was the cause of at least 17 patient deaths in five medical facilities between 2020 and 2023.
700 years is along time. She might get parole in 500 if she behaves herself in prison.;)
Oh wow, 17 patients? I guess the seven hundred years given to her is just a fancy word for life in prisonment.
That's true. No one can live up to 700 years. In my opinion she should have been given the death penalty. I wonder how she escaped death sentence. Such people are very dangerous for the society. I am curious to know why she did this. I could not found it in the news.
If you ask me, she deserved more. I mean she intentionally killed 17 patients! If that's not wickedness at its peak, I don't know what is. Maybe like 300 more years should be added to round it up to 1000 years!
People before us live 1000 years. Nowadays this seems far too logical because a person lives around 60 years and is dead in prison.
Did I read that she intended to kill those people? Certainly no duration of prison term is enough appropriate for such a person. I would have given the nurse a death sentence if I am the judge handling this case.
Did I read that she intended to kill those people? Certainly no duration of prison term is enough appropriate for such a person. I would have given the nurse a death sentence if I am the judge handling this case.
Some countries say human rights and all these birocraty to avoid the death penalty unlike some others still apply it for criminals.
That's true. No one can live up to 700 years. In my opinion she should have been given the death penalty. I wonder how she escaped death sentence. Such people are very dangerous for the society. I am curious to know why she did this. I could not found it in the news.
If you ask me, this is far worse than death sentence. Imagine living the rest of one's life in prison, at some point the woman would wish for death to come.
If you ask me, this is far worse than death sentence. Imagine living the rest of one's life in prison, at some point the woman would wish for death to come.

Hmm.. I hope so. But she should not be allowed to live a good life in the prison. She should be given some punishments in the prison daily so that she may repent for what she did.
That’s truly shocking and disturbing news. It's horrifying to think that someone in a position of trust could commit such heinous acts. My heart goes out to the families of the victims affected by this tragedy.
A US nurse who intended to kill several patients through giving them fatal insulin doses over a three-year period was sentenced to 380–760 years in jail on Saturday. The court was informed that she was the cause of at least 17 patient deaths in five medical facilities between 2020 and 2023.
A US nurse who intended to kill several patients through giving them fatal insulin doses over a three-year period was sentenced to 380–760 years in jail on Saturday. The court was informed that she was the cause of at least 17 patient deaths in five medical facilities between 2020 and 2023.
The news of a nurse being sentenced to over 700 years in jail for killing 17 patients is indeed shocking and tragic. It highlights a grave breach of trust and a profound betrayal of the ethical responsibilities of a healthcare professional. Such cases underscore the importance of rigorous oversight and accountability in healthcare settings to prevent such atrocities from occurring. The families of the victims must be experiencing immense grief and pain, and justice in this case serves to acknowledge their suffering and the severity of the crimes committed.
That’s truly shocking and disturbing news. It's horrifying to think that someone in a position of trust could commit such heinous acts. My heart goes out to the families of the victims affected by this tragedy.
Indeed, for someone who was supposed to be taking care of lives, it is quite sad to see it happen. Hopefully this will serve as a lesson to those who might harbor such thoughts in the future.
That's very high number of imprisonment l can say that. Although that is very high level of cruelty.
That's very high number of imprisonment l can say that. Although that is very high level of cruelty.

Yes, it is a severe crime because a nurse is a person whom you can trust in the hospital and cannot expect that she will kill you but this nurse was inhuma and killed lots of people which is sad.