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Most energized?


Off The Mark

Sep 24, 2023
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When do you feel most energized?

What do you like to do with that energy?

coffee energy GIF
I tend to feel most energized and like I can focus and get on with things I need to do especially in terms of work on a night. It's unfortunate that is how it is with me as I have kids I need to get up at 7 am in the morning for school so by the time I get up I have only had a few hours of sleep.

I tend to go back to bed though if I need to the next day if I didn't get much sleep.
I don’t think there is a specific time when I feel most energized. My energy is based on my mood and I do different things with my energy. I might hit the gym, or play video games, or do something else productive.
Maybe after a good bottle of red wine. The alcohol in it gives me some spark which boosts my energy levels like an adrenaline rush. I don't do anything specific with the energy most times but sometimes I will just get laid.
When do you feel most energized?

What do you like to do with that energy?

coffee energy GIF

It's normally when I wake up in the morning. It's why I begin my workout once I'm up from bed. My energy level drops when it's midday.
I'm a night owl. I'm more lively at night. It's why I don't stress myself with trying to work during the day because I know I'm going to eyes peeled all through the night.
Once the sun is up in the sky, I'm always agile and active. It's my best working time frame of the day. Once it's evening, I'll be looking to rest.
I am more energized at nighttime.
I'm not sure why but I can do stuff I should do in the daytime through the night until around 3-4 am and then sleep.
I found out over the years that I am more energized in the morning time. I wake up every morning very lively which comes with a lot of energy. This is why I can be able to do so many things in the morning before leaving my house for work. I workout at home in the morning too because I need to use my energy for something.
I charge up as the day progresses. My body need time to warm up in the morning, it makes me to feel a little kind of dull in the morning but before 12pm, I'll be full of energy.
I charge up as the day progresses. My body need time to warm up in the morning, it makes me to feel a little kind of dull in the morning but before 12pm, I'll be full of energy.
Do you usually sleep well at night for you to be feeling dull in the morning when you wake up? It is how my body is affected when I wake up. If I don't sleep well at night, I will wake up feeling weak. It will take time before I get my energy back up lively.
When do you feel most energized?

What do you like to do with that energy?

coffee energy GIF

I am always super sharp in the morning. This is the moment when my head is cool and that I can achieve a lot of things that I want to achieve. Some people closer to me always wonder the reason I am that active in the morning and all efforts to explain always fall on deaf ears though.
I am always super sharp in the morning. This is the moment when my head is cool and that I can achieve a lot of things that I want to achieve. Some people closer to me always wonder the reason I am that active in the morning and all efforts to explain always fall on deaf ears though.
It is not weird at all to me for someone to be full of energy in the morning. Someone is supposed to be full of energy in the morning because after resting for hours sleeping, it's expected that one will be strong and sharp. It's when you didn't sleep well, it will be hard for one to be full of energy.
It is not weird at all to me for someone to be full of energy in the morning. Someone is supposed to be full of energy in the morning because after resting for hours sleeping, it's expected that one will be strong and sharp. It's when you didn't sleep well, it will be hard for one to be full of energy.
This doesn't apply if there is much noise. Sometimes you decide to go to bed while it is not the neighbors' decision they decide to watch a film and all the film details you hear because they make a lot of noise and a television at high volume. Or even there is a wedding.
This doesn't apply if there is much noise. Sometimes you decide to go to bed while it is not the neighbors' decision they decide to watch a film and all the film details you hear because they make a lot of noise and a television at high volume. Or even there is a wedding.
It depends on the kind of apartment building you are living in. Where I'm living right now, there is nothing my neighbours will be doing in their own apartment that will affect me from being able to sleep. It's only the sound of generators if they are too loud that will affect my sleep.
In the past, I used to feel energetic during the night, therefore, I liked working at night. However, these days I I feel energetic in the morning, especially in the early morning. Therefore, I like waking up early in the morning and start my day. I like waking up between 3 and 4 in the morning when I feel most energetic.
As long as I slept well in the night, I will make up in the morning feeling better and more energetic. This is why I don't take my night sleep as a play thing. Anything which I know would interfere with my night sleep, I will do my best to avoid it because of the consequences I'll suffer in the morning.
I feel most energized when there is light for me to do most of my work online. And also when I have eaten something nice or have a good rest. I would simply use this energy to do most of my online work.
It happens to me most often after some good news and I am so energized to do something that I do nothing and just walk and rejoice
I feel most energized in the morning after a good night's sleep and a nutritious breakfast. There's something invigorating about greeting the day with a clear mind and body. I also get an energy boost from physical activity like exercise or just getting outside for some fresh air.