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Debate Low Pants Culture


Active Contributor

Nov 4, 2023
Reaction score
It's tough to discuss this topic without seeming like a racist. However, I got unintentionally mooned two times yesterday, ha ha. It was on a public bus of all places. Well, what do you feel about this culture? Honestly, why wouldn't this offend some females watching or is this some exotic strip tease or nudist culture? :whistle:

On the other side, I will mention some sympathetic stuff. O.K., we do know this comes from the slave and prison cultures and there are legit things that this fashion communicates.

Note: when I say mooned, it wasn't a little bit either.
A lot of people see this as fashion, and I honestly don't know what they enjoy in doing it. I see a lot of guys in my area go out with their shorts or trousers down to their waist and almost falling off. It makes them look rough.
A lot of people see this as fashion, and I honestly don't know what they enjoy in doing it. I see a lot of guys in my area go out with their shorts or trousers down to their waist and almost falling off. It makes them look rough.
Yeah, but when people are mooned, especially women by men, is this a call for indecent exposure?
I really can't do this. It doesn't look responsible to me. A lot of people do it in my country, especially the gang boys wannabes. It doesn't make an iota of sense to be dressing like that as far as I am concerned.
I am not into this totally and i don't see it as a fashioned but the worst part is that almost every where especially young one's engaged in those aspects.