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Is the electoral process in your country worthy


Active Contributor

Mar 21, 2024
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In my country, the electoral commission never conducts free, fair and transparent election
This is because almost all the elections that they ever handled the results end in the supreme court.
l don't know how the situation in your country.
The electoral process in my country is a complete sham and I don't want to be involved with any of that. Politicians buy votes with an equivalent of 2 dollars and the poor masses sell it off to them. Not to talk of thuggery. I have never voted in an election in my country before.
I do not take part in the elections because it makes no sense to me, because the majority will vote again for someone stupid who promises the most, but I have no questions about the election process because the majority is honest
It's fair enough though there are those who feel that it's all rigged. I'm an American living and working in Canada as is my girlfriend. We will have to mail in our ballots come November.
I might be wrong though, but I am yet to see a country where the electorial commission carries out there activities free and fair. They are supposed to be neutral, but most of them have parties they are supporting and would do anything for
The electoral process in my country has both strengths and areas for improvement. On the positive side, we have free and fair elections with robust voter protections. However, issues like gerrymandering, the influence of dark money, and obstacles to voting access remain concerning. No system is perfect, but I believe we must continually work to uphold democratic principles, increase transparency, and make it easier for all eligible citizens to make their voices heard.
If I'm being honest, the electoral process in my country is far from being free and fair. Most times rigging is done to make sure that a particular candidate wins. But then it is not my country alone that faces this problem.
I don't know because I don't follow it. I don't often watch the news, but judging by the situation around me, I don't like it. Maybe the elections are fair, but the candidates themselves are definitely not fair to their voters
I was talking to one young guy on Sunday and he was telling me how they used to overpower the security forces to rig elections in my country. That's why I don't bother stepping out to vote ever. I can't go and die for nothing.
Situation is bad in every country. Every there there is an election Government finds a way to buy votes and secure victory
Actually i think it was only my country who engaged in such activities i don't know why most of the country tends to faced this