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Is poverty hereditary?



Mar 18, 2024
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Poverty is not inherently hereditary in a genetic sense, but it can be passed down through generations due to systemic factors and a lack of opportunities. Children born into impoverished families may face challenges such as limited access to education, healthcare, and resources, which can perpetuate the cycle of poverty. However, with the right support systems, education, and opportunities, individuals and families can break the cycle of poverty and improve their circumstances. It is important to address the root causes of poverty to create a more equitable society for future generations.
Basically, I don't think that poverty is hereditary but there are some situation whereby you are going to find yourself in a position where it would appear that you are in poverty as a result of how your parents managed their finances but everything still depends on you personally to pull yourself out of that poverty situation and into a better position if you decide to work hard for it.
Indeed poverty is not heriditary but it could be the permanent picture of the people if they lack the drive to change their lives for the better. What to change first is their mindsets. Having a positive mindset can create something that leads to a new version of their lives from being poor to becoming rich. Many started from rags to riches.
Poverty is not hereditary. You could come from a poor background but still end up being rich. We can't choose the family or background we come into, but we have a hand in choosing where we end up.
It does not mean that because the family is poor, the siblings no longer have the chance to elevate their financial lives, however, it also depends on the interest and positivity of the family members if continue loving poorly or not.
I know it is difficult to become wealthy if the family you were born into is systemically poor. But at least, you can rise to average. Being born poor and still staying poor is a failure on an individual's part.
Time and chance happens to everyone regardless of their backgrounds. Some people just refuse to take their time and chance. That is why they end up being poor because their parents were poor.
I don't think poverty is hereditary it is passed down through generations. A person can be from a poor family and become rich because of luck and hard work. I have seen many cases where a kid of a poor person studies so hard that he gets a good job and becomes rich in few years.
Of course, poverty is not hereditary. it is not part of our genes. Those who live in poverty might have been born with poor parents who, at their time, did not strive to change their financial lives. They are contended with what they have. They were not encouraged by their surrounding people who were already rich because of hard work.
Anyone who feels or say this is hereditary is simply looking for someone or something to blame for them not putting in their very best or being able to make a difference,
If you were the parents and remained poor until you die, then your children will inherit the kind of life they may nurture from you. So while the kids are still young and their minds are empty, the parents must let them see how to find money that could elevate their lives someday.