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Is love a priority for you?



Mar 4, 2024
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As much as I would want to fall in love and get married, I feel love is a lesser priority for me right now. Yes I might have feeling for someone once in awhile, but for now i am more focused on securing my future like being financially stable to be able to take care of a family. Once am able to do this, then I can put in more focus on love.
Absolutely is not a priority goal. I see a lot of people during the day, but I don't even pay attention to girls. I can't even say that I like them because I don't have such acquaintances and I don't even start a conversation in order to get to know them.
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Lol I have always been the shy type, so I have never been good at starting conversations with others. Anyways I feel once I have sort out all that I need to, I can now focus on love and other things.
No it's not priority for me right now I am once a victim of fake love and I have a just little experience about it, I tend to focus on my study's but if I start my own business I will give a try again
No and never has been. Don't want it, don't need it.
I have never kept love on priority and that is what one should do. It's better to get financially stable and then find true love and get settled with him/her.