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Is it possible to make a specific dream for a person by extracellular stimulation?



Mar 28, 2024
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Researchers have made progress in inducing specific dreams through extracellular stimulation, such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). These techniques can influence brain activity during sleep, potentially manipulating dream content. However, precisely controlling and inducing a specific dream remains a significant challenge. The brain's complexity and the subjective nature of dreams make it difficult to predict and replicate exact dream scenarios. Nevertheless, ongoing research offers promising insights into the neural correlates of dreaming and the potential for dream manipulation.
With science anything is possible but I highly doubt scientist have enough knowledge about this field to do this for now.
I think that special devices are not even needed for this, because if a person thinks about something very often and in very clear details, then it can be dreamed by a person
I don't think so. It is not easy to do so but still we see science and technology have magic to do anything. Hope we see such things in the future.