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Is it possible for Exs to be best of friends?

King Belieal


Mar 4, 2024
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When we hear the word Of Ex, it is always connoted by the letter X, which always stands for wrong or danger. But some people are so mature that after they have broken up with each other, they still remain good friends, and even best of friends.

Can your ex boyfriend or girlfriend be your best friend?
It's possible. For this to happen, it's either they never really loved each other before that is why they where able to be best friends or they are simply still in love. There have been rare cases where they did love each other but after breaking up they still remain friends though.
This is quite realistic because not all people break up because they had a fight, many of them understand that they are not made for each other, so no one is offended if they break up and they can probably be best friends if they are comfortable with it. And it is beneficial because they know each other and therefore can help
I know a couple who broke up simply because they came to realize that they are not really compatible for one another. After the breakup, they still kept talking and contacting one another.
Being quite close to your ex is very difficult. It could be a mental torture if you still love the person. I am leading a band that has my ex girlfriend as one of the members. She had to leave the band because she couldn't stand seeing me every rehearsal days.
As far as l am concerned, l can't withstand the fact being on friendship with my ex's. That's because l am not interested in that and l really wonder why l should embrace such a thing for that reasons for sure.
I don't think it is so easy to keep a friendship with your ex, but if a person is mature enough, he or she can do it. Personally, I would say it's not good to keep any relationship with your ex because sometimes we may get upset remembering old moments and memories when we see that person.
In my case it is a big NO. Once my ex cheated me which is the cause of eternal breakup, I will no longer like to see his face even his shadow. I will not let him talk to me. I will tell myself that he never existed. I remember him but I don't remember the feelings anymore.
In my case it is a big NO. Once my ex cheated me which is the cause of eternal breakup, I will no longer like to see his face even his shadow. I will not let him talk to me. I will tell myself that he never existed. I remember him but I don't remember the feelings anymore.
So you mean that you can't get involved in a business transaction with your ex? I love money and if there is any legit business that I have to do with my ex that would bring money, I would do it. You have to develop mental maturity at a point.
So you mean that you can't get involved in a business transaction with your ex? I love money and if there is any legit business that I have to do with my ex that would bring money, I would do it. You have to develop mental maturity at a point.
🤔No for sure. It will be awkward on my part and it is also impossible because my ex is now in Australia. He married there last year. I was told by his brother. I no longer think of him and the money he borrowed. 1 buried them both in my mind.