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Is it enjoyable to feel pity?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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Although some people enjoy being pitied, I believe this is more common in children who are pitied after they have fallen or had another negative event. Though I can't say I adore it, there are moments when I just appreciate the attention I get.
The very first thing that those who are prone to depression do is to feel sorry for themselves. Life is bearable if you are strong. I had a horrible nightmarish childhood, but I do not feel sorry for myself and will not get depressed.

Both of my so called "parents" were always feeling sorry for themselves and were always depressed. They made me sick and still do to this day. But...when my girlfriend is down I am the very soul of understanding and compassion. (she always rewards me after);)
I don't know about others, but I don't like feeling pitied, I feel it does not even make sense, and these days it's even hard to find someone who truly cares about you or would show you genuine pity.
While pity can stem from empathy and concern for others' suffering, I wouldn't describe the feeling itself as enjoyable. Pity is a form of sadness, sorrow, or melancholy experienced when witnessing someone else's misfortune or hardship.
I don't really love to be pitied. It conveys a feeling of helplessness to me and I never want to appear helpless because I always want to be in charge.
Sometimes I feel good but most of the time I don't like to be pitted by others. I don't want let people know that I need their attention.
For me l don't embrace that thing for sure at all. Being pitied and sympathy are things that l really dislike.
Sometimes it baffles me when I seen certain people put themselves in positions where they will be pitied. This is one thing I do not like at all.