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Is a pet important to you?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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In my opinion, even in the modern world, many people do not take pets seriously and think that they are just a toy, but in my opinion, everything is much more serious now, because many people have replaced even family members with animals.
I don't own a pet, but for does who own one, I believe the pets should be important to them, which is why they choose to own one in the first place.
I don't own a pet, but for does who own one, I believe the pets should be important to them, which is why they choose to own one in the first place.
And the truth is, if you want to have your own pet, you must be responsible for it, because it trusts you. And it is necessary in many cases to choose a pet rather than a job or something else, because it is like a child that you need to spend a lot of time
Yes, I see pets as companions when we are lonely.

I have two pet dogs, and I do everything within my powers daily to see that they are happy. I can't even feel happy when these dogs are not happy and expressing that happiness towards me.
While I admire dogs, I don't own one or any order pet for that matter. I think it has to do with the fact that I stay in a rented apartment. There is no way I would be staying in my own property and I won't have a dog. It is inconveniencing having a pet in a public compound.
And the truth is, if you want to have your own pet, you must be responsible for it, because it trusts you. And it is necessary in many cases to choose a pet rather than a job or something else, because it is like a child that you need to spend a lot of time
Very correct. The pets are like kids, you need to give them enough attention, cars and love. I am usually surprised when I see people own pet over here but find it hard to feed and care for them.
Having a pet is very important to me. The companionship and unconditional love a furry friend provides is invaluable. Caring for a pet teaches responsibility and nurtures empathy.
For me to get a particular animal as pet, I should know that it is my responsibility to take care of it. So it will be very important to me. I plan to get a pet soon.
Yes, it is very important for me and that is why in a few months I plan to take a cat from the shelter because in this way I will give him a cool life and get moral support from him. Such a situation is called Win Win
Yes, it is very important for me and that is why in a few months I plan to take a cat from the shelter because in this way I will give him a cool life and get moral support from him. Such a situation is called Win Win
Some people do not have friends for a lot of reasons so the pet could be your best friend either dog or cat or bird.