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Intelligent or looks?



Mar 4, 2024
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We all have our personal taste when it comes to who we date or fall for. There are those who tend to fall for people with looks while others tend to get attracted to brains. What are you into? Personally I prefer a mixture of both looks and brains to go with it.
Well well well, my personal taste when it's come to whom I fall for I easily fall for someone who have brains, confident, intelligent, hardworking more than me because I like to have experience's in so many other ways
I think that appearance can say a lot about a person, so this factor should not be neglected either. A person dresses according to his intelligence and our qualities, so if visually I do not like the person's appearance, then I will simply understand that we have nothing in common, and this does not mean that I consider myself smarter, it's just that the relationship will not work out for sure
At first sight, people are attracted to their physical appearance, and rightly so, because you cannot judge a person until you spend time with him or her. For me, I will prefer intelligent people because beauty without a brain is not my choice. I have always considered physical appearance not a criteria to date someone.
Take it or leave it, I want both. I can't trade one for the other. A person must be very intelligent to be able to keep a conversation with me. And then, they must have the looks to look attractive to me.