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In what ways do the politicians in your country do a good job? In what ways are they disappointing?



Mar 23, 2024
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I may sound a little harsh but I haven't seen anything good done by a political party in India and they are mostly behind getting taxes from and then use that for their own advantage.

In what ways do the politicians in your country do a good job? In what ways are they disappointing?
There are some politicians who go about helping and donating to the less needy, but one thing that is disappointing about our politicians is that so majority of them do not care about what we are going through.
The politicians in my country are still dwelling in ancient days pattern. They have not done well in anything. All they care about is to loot the country dry. They make policies that favour then alone while telling the masses to be patient.
The politicians in my country are still dwelling in ancient days pattern. They have not done well in anything. All they care about is to loot the country dry. They make policies that favour then alone while telling the masses to be patient.
What county is this? We are experiencing the same issue here in our country.