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I Just Don't Like Mondays



Mar 23, 2024
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I dislike Mondays so much that if it's possible I would have deleted all the Mondays from my calendar LOL. However, that would have meant Tuesday would be the start of a new week, and then I would start hating Tuesdays but I don't like to work after a break and it feels terrible after you rest the whole day on Sunday and need to work on a Monday.
Similarly, I also don't like Mondays, as after a day break, it's tough for me to get ready for work. I always wished we were allowed to work a half day on Mondays so that we could get rid of the hangover from Sunday.
I agree but I guess nobody will allow this and we have to work on Mondays and if we take Mondays leave then even that's not possible every week LOL
I like all the days in the week. What I do not like is holiday. I don't like to be at home whole day. I feel bored no work and no offline business. I like when it's Monday. I am always happy to meet my colleagues.
I wish I can be you, I don't mind my colleagues but I don't like to work on Monday and I feel lazy and sometimes I think about this on a sunday evening too lol
I don't have a day that I hate. I don't like a bad day, but I've never disliked Mondays just because it's the start of the workday. I like to work, but waking up in the morning after a rest is really difficult
Monday is just another day for me and I don't feel any different on this day so I don't hate Monday.
I don't have a specific day of the week I don't like, I just don't like it when am stressed, especially with things I did not plan for from the very beginning.
There is nothing that anyone can really do about Mondays. For people like us that don't even have a singular break, what would we say? I just feel Mondays are just like every other day. It is we that pressure ourselves to make it special.
The good thing is I am not a lazy person. I love to work. It helps me forget yesterday and tomorrow. There are indeed people who like to be always weekend to rejuvenate and relax more. But you can be absent though. Just sacrifice your salary deduction for the sake of your feelings to extend more days.