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How to maintain your health and mental well-being during a pandemic?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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Now the period of strict quarantine measures has passed, so it is not very relevant, but there are people who have other diseases that also require a long quarantine. What should they do in order not to lose contact with the outside world and maintain their mental health, because being at home for a long period without communication can be very painful for some.
During the Covid pandemic, I went to live in my farm hose. Since I moved to the country side where I was closer to the nature, I did not have any issues of mental health. I did tested positive for covid but I tried home remedies and was able to control my conditions. I worked from home so I was pretty busy during Pandemic
I also have a very similar situation because at that time I moved from the city back to the village to my parents because they were not against the fact that it was safer there. I even enjoyed helping them plant the garden again with my own produce even though I hated doing the same as a child
During the Covid pandemic, I went to live in my farm hose. Since I moved to the country side where I was closer to the nature, I did not have any issues of mental health. I did tested positive for covid but I tried home remedies and was able to control my conditions. I worked from home so I was pretty busy during Pandemic
It would be best to just keep yourself busy. During the COVID period, there was heavy restrictions of movement in my location, so all we could do for days was sit at home. I had to do some work online, read some books then have a enough rest.
It would be best to just keep yourself busy. During the COVID period, there was heavy restrictions of movement in my location, so all we could do for days was sit at home. I had to do some work online, read some books then have a enough rest.
In the beginning I also tried to do something about it, it was so long that I just didn't have enough activities. I read all the books I had at home, but I didn't work online then, so I didn't have such a job. I also watched a lot of movies, but the quarantine was still there
Prioritizing self-care is vital for riding out a pandemic's challenges. Nourish your body with a balanced diet and regular exercise, even if home-based. Practice stress-relieving activities like meditation, journaling, or hobbies you enjoy. Most importantly, go easy on yourself and accept that maintaining ideal wellness will be difficult. By adopting a resilient mindset focused on controllable factors, you can emerge stronger on the other side.
During the pandemic, I just suffered because for a long time my boyfriend and I were in different cities and we couldn't see each other and communicated only online. It affected me a lot because I had a prolonged depression, but when the situation eased, we managed to meet again and I felt much better almost in a day