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How to improve emotional intelligence?



Oct 30, 2023
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How do you develop greater emotional intelligence and empathy in your interactions with others? Well, as far as I am concerned, I listen to what other people are saying and try to understand others' perspectives and emotions, and respond with empathy and compassion. I also cultivate self-awareness by recognizing and managing my emotions effectively, and seek feedback from others to gain insight into how my actions impact those around me.
Having emotional intelligence is being aware of your own emotions, being able to manage your emotions in a positive manner, understand other people's emotions, having empathy and being able to listen and communicate effectively. It is actually mandatory at my place of employment to take an "emotional intelligence ' class. After taking the 3 hour class I must admit it was very eye opening, interesting and helpful to anyone that has to work with the public... really is helpful to anyone that talks to anyone!
Be kind. Everything else will fall in place automatically.

The more you listen the more you will hear. Don't judge other before you know them.
Some of the ways of improving your emotional intelligence is by reading books, and interacting with others. The more we interact with people, it helps us not only understand them, but also understand ourselves and our emotions as well.
I also try to do this, but I have a hard time controlling my emotions. I need to concentrate very hard on my thoughts and at such moments I may not even hear what the other person is saying to me
When you develop awareness and you also try to understand your own emotion and the emotion of others, it is an effective way to manage and express you emotion in various situations. That is emotional intelligence!
One can improve one's emotional intelligence by being sympathetic with people. Try to understand their feelings and put yourself in their shoes. Of course, you can't do that without listening first. So it all stems from being a good listener.
Cultivating emotional intelligence and empathy takes conscious effort. Actively listening without judgment and trying to understand different perspectives is key. Pausing before reacting emotionally and considering how others may feel also helps build empathy. Being self-aware of your own emotions and triggers, while managing them constructively, is important too.
Cultivating emotional intelligence and empathy takes conscious effort. Actively listening without judgment and trying to understand different perspectives is key. Pausing before reacting emotionally and considering how others may feel also helps build empathy. Being self-aware of your own emotions and triggers, while managing them constructively, is important too.
Listening without judgement is a very important thing to do, but I'm not sure it contributes to cultivating emotional intelligence. Well maybe trying not to be judgemental is caused by high emotional intelligence.
Cultivating emotional intelligence and empathy takes conscious effort. Actively listening without judgment and trying to understand different perspectives is key. Pausing before reacting emotionally and considering how others may feel also helps build empathy. Being self-aware of your own emotions and triggers, while managing them constructively, is important too.
The problem with a lot of people these days is that they listen to reply, they listen to find more faults, instead of actually listening to understand where the person is coming from.
The problem with a lot of people these days is that they listen to reply, they listen to find more faults, instead of actually listening to understand where the person is coming from.
I have experienced the attitude of people like that. It can be so annoying when you are trying to make them understand something but they are finding fault instead.
I have experienced the attitude of people like that. It can be so annoying when you are trying to make them understand something but they are finding fault instead.
My ex was like that back then, I don't know if it's just immaturity. Whenever we had an argument, she just talks back not even trying to comprehend what I said and why I said it.
Being a good listener helps and I am trying to develop this thing and this way we can understand the other person's perspective and can communicate accordingly
Yes the ability to listen is one skill a lot of people take for granted, but it's actually something I believe everyone should have this days.
My ex was like that back then, I don't know if it's just immaturity. Whenever we had an argument, she just talks back not even trying to comprehend what I said and why I said it.
I honestly don't like that kind of behavior. Try to have some understanding. But as she's now your ex, should I say that you dodged a bullet?
I honestly don't like that kind of behavior. Try to have some understanding. But as she's now your ex, should I say that you dodged a bullet?
Lol I guessed so, cause I thought I would be able to cope but the more I think about it, I highly doubt that.
Lol I guessed so, cause I thought I would be able to cope but the more I think about it, I highly doubt that.
There's no coping with a bad attitude. It is better run than to endure someone like that in a relationship. Have you gotten another girlfriend now?
There's no coping with a bad attitude. It is better run than to endure someone like that in a relationship. Have you gotten another girlfriend now?
Nope, still single, I decided to just focus on growing my self in terms of character and also financially. When I am financially stable who ever I would be dating would be for marriage.
It requires a willingness to learn. Always examine your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Always try to keep yourself in place of others and feel what they may be feeling. Always listen to others and clarify their emotions. Be open to learning and improving yourself.