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How To Handle Negative Criticism



Mar 28, 2024
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When faced with negative criticism, I take a deep breath and separate the message from the messenger. I seek to understand the constructive feedback, and use it as an opportunity for growth and improvement. I remind myself that criticism is subjective, and doesn't define my worth or abilities. By focusing on the lesson, rather than the tone, I'm able to learn and move forward with confidence and resilience. I turn criticism into a catalyst for self-improvement and progress.
Yes you are very correct. Instead of focusing on the negative aspect of their criticism, it is better to try and fish out what they may actually mean and the message they are trying to pass across, and try to work better on those aspects.
I simply focus on the parts I need to correct and change about myself, then I throw away all the negatives parts of the comments.
Even if it's negative criticism, I always try to see if it can be helpful for my improvement; if not, then I ignore it. I am not the sort of person who remembers things for a long time. I easily forget things.
Jesus Christ...there is ALREADY a thread on this subject. This trying to up one's post count is turning into pure bullshit. :poop:
Jesus Christ...there is ALREADY a thread on this subject. This trying to up one's post count is turning into pure bullshit. :poop:
Lol though if am not mistaken, I think this thread came in first before the other one, unless maybe there is another thread about this I am not aware of.
If the negative criticisms are true, I would just humbly accept it, offer an apology and move on. If they are not true, I would comprehensively address it to those concerned and let them know the truth. I won't attack anyone.
It all depends on whether it is fair criticism or just envy or something else. If this is unfair criticism, then you should immediately avoid this conversation or simply listen to it but do not respond in any way in order not to provoke a conflict
I used to under goes the process and make sure I understand the the incident before I judge the process and I will make sure I judge to give them equal right