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How To Give Constructive Criticism



Mar 28, 2024
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When giving constructive criticism, I focus on specific behaviors or actions, rather than attacking the person. I use "I" statements to express my thoughts and avoid blame. I provide concrete examples and suggestions for improvement, and frame it as an opportunity for growth. I also acknowledge their strengths and accomplishments, and offer support and resources to help them succeed. By being empathetic, specific, and solution-focused, I help others learn and improve without becoming defensive.
Constructive criticism can be given by pointing out to people areas in which they need to improve in a particular thing or area without being abusive or insulting.
Do not just focus on the faults you are trying to point out, but focus on actually correcting the person and telling them the right thing to do.
When you want to give a constructive criticism, you don't attack the person. The approach, the tone would be relaxed even when you are pointing out something that is an anomaly.
I think that in order for someone to express constructive criticism, it is necessary to immediately provide options on how it can be corrected. Then the person will understand that you don't just want to humiliate him, but are ready to immediately help with options on how to improve it and listen to ideas