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How To Find Your Life Purpose



Mar 28, 2024
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Discovering my life purpose has been a journey of self-discovery and exploration. I've tuned into my passions, values, and strengths, and asked myself what makes me come alive. I've tried new things, taken risks, and listened to my intuition. I've also reflected on my experiences, both joyful and challenging, and identified the common threads that weave them together. By embracing my uniqueness and honoring my inner voice, I've uncovered a sense of purpose that guides me and fills me with meaning and direction. It's a continuous journey, and I remain open to growth and evolution.
You won't be able to find your life purpose if you do not try out new things. Keep on trying new things until you find the one that suits your spirit.
Has my life purpose discovered me yet? I'm already tired of looking for my purpose, I want to rest, let my purpose look for me too!
To discover your life purpose, you must take a conscious exercise to reflect on yourself, especially the inner you. You must be conscious enough to draw inspirations from the things that you find the most strength in to be able to discover your purpose on earth.
I don't need to find a life's purpose. Did I ask to be born or chose to be here? I was cast on to the game board of life just like a pair of dice. So here I am just trying to survive and to find some oasis of happiness in this desert of a world.
Has my life purpose discovered me yet? I'm already tired of looking for my purpose, I want to rest, let my purpose look for me too!
Lol don't be tired I know it's not easy, just keep trying new things, be open to new ideas and who knows, one of them might click well with you.
Lol don't be tired I know it's not easy, just keep trying new things, be open to new ideas and who knows, one of them might click well with you.
😃 To be honest, when one looks back at how I have been chasing my purpose, I can't seem to make any progress or improvement. There are times I just want to give up, but if I do, I will be the one to lose.
😃 To be honest, when one looks back at how I have been chasing my purpose, I can't seem to make any progress or improvement. There are times I just want to give up, but if I do, I will be the one to lose.
It's pretty much the same for me. When I see people talk about their life purpose and all that, most times I wonder how they did it and if I am even close to finding mine. But like you said, giving up would be you loosing.
I don't think I have any purpose in life LOL and that's why I am just enjoying my life and not much thinking about the future or past and just staying in present
I don't think I have any purpose in life LOL and that's why I am just enjoying my life and not much thinking about the future or past and just staying in present
Seriously? 😳 So what exactly is it that you are living for if you believe that you don't have any purpose? I doubt it, you do have a purpose, you just have not realized it yet.
Seriously? 😳 So what exactly is it that you are living for if you believe that you don't have any purpose? I doubt it, you do have a purpose, you just have not realized it yet.
Yes could be but I have yet to find any purpose in life so not really bothered about it and at present just enjoying my life and doing what I want
Yes could be but I have yet to find any purpose in life so not really bothered about it and at present just enjoying my life and doing what I want
I strongly believe everyone have a life purpose, am pretty sure you just haven't found it yet or noticed it. Like myself I haven't found mine, but I know I will.
I strongly believe everyone have a life purpose, am pretty sure you just haven't found it yet or noticed it. Like myself I haven't found mine, but I know I will.
yes we will but I am not sure if we will find it 100% lol and I don't even remember asking anyone if they have figured out their life purpose and were able to achieve it or not