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How To Find Purpose After a Hard Fall in Life



Mar 28, 2024
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After a hard fall, finding purpose again can feel daunting. But I've learned to acknowledge my pain, and then take small steps towards rediscovery. I've reflected on what brought me joy before, and explored new passions. I've sought support from loved ones, mentors, and community. By practicing self-compassion, and focusing on the present moment, I've slowly rebuilt my sense of purpose. It may look different than before, but it's authentic and empowering. I've transformed my fall into a catalyst for growth, and discovered a stronger, wiser version of myself.
The first step you need to take is to first find out why you failed in the first place. Then take out time to heal. Once you have been able to do this, start looking for other things you can do.
I have learned that life is full of ups and downs, without the downs, the ups will mean nothing so one has to pick himself up, restrategize and keep going. That way he has learned and eventually he will find his purpose.