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How to fight overeating on winter or other holidays?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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For the winter holidays, one of the best of the year, but because of their large number, I always eat a lot and it does not affect my weight because I have such a body composition, but it affects my health because it is difficult to eat a lot of fried food and also drinks. Do you have a way to deal with this?
I sometimes over eat. I enjoy food and I cannot control how much I eat if the food I am eating taste good and is my favorite food. However, I try to skip meal the next day so that I can manage my additional calorie. I have been doing this since I was in my teens and it has worked well for me to handle over eating
As much as I enjoy eating food because I also cook my own food, I have control over what I eat because I know how easy it is for you to gain weight because you are eating too much and how difficult it is for you to lose weight when you have added unnecessary weight because you are overfeeding.
The only way to deal with this is self discipline, you have to make the conscious decision that you want to make a change in this aspect. Though it would definitely not be easy but with time you we get it.
The only way to deal with this is self discipline, you have to make the conscious decision that you want to make a change in this aspect. Though it would definitely not be easy but with time you we get it.
It is not easy because most people on such days want to get away from everything and they cannot control themselves. In my opinion, for this you need a friend or another person who would control your food intake on such days
To avoid overeating during indulgent seasons, practice mindful eating habits. Savor each bite slowly to appreciate flavors and textures more fully. Stay hydrated, as thirst can mask itself as hunger. Fill half your plate with vegetables or salad first. Take a 20-minute break before considering seconds to allow your brain to register fullness.
Make sure you don't eat too much, that's the only to deal with it. Regardless of the weather, eating too much is not advisable because it also has its health complications, even if you are not noticing it at first.
I never overeat on holidays. The main reason is that I cook all the meals for many people and I get very tired. I simply lose my appetite because of this, and even everything I eat, I later lose in the kitchen while cooking