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How To Deal With Unsupportive Friends & Family



Mar 28, 2024
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Dealing with unsupportive friends and family can be challenging, but I've learned to set boundaries and prioritize my own needs. I surround myself with positive influences and seek out supportive communities. I practice self-care and self-compassion, and remind myself that their lack of support often reflects their own limitations. By focusing on my own growth and progress, I rise above their negativity and create a supportive network that uplifts and empowers me. I choose to invest in relationships that fuel my passions and dreams.
Don't deal with them, leave them alone. The truth of the matter is that not all your family members and your friends will support you. But find those ones that actually do believe in you and focus on them and appreciate them.
Instead of trying to deal with them, I think the best thing to do should be to learn to do things on your own. The best way to deal with does who do not support you is to do the things they felt you could not do.
Instead of trying to deal with them, I think the best thing to do should be to learn to do things on your own. The best way to deal with does who do not support you is to do the things they felt you could not do.
That's just the best thing to do. People that are not entitled don't even care if their family supports them or not. It is only people that would say that lack of support from family is reason for their lack of success.
There is an attitude to survive where you don't expect anything from anyone and it's the best
That's just the best thing to do. People that are not entitled don't even care if their family supports them or not. It is only people that would say that lack of support from family is reason for their lack of success.
Exactly, by the time they see you doing the things they felt you could not do without them, most of them would start coming back, wanting to be part of your live. Those who feel entitled are the ones who feel everyone has to be on their side.
Every family has members like that and you need to decide if you like to keep helping them no matter what or stop supporting them
In fact, such people are not always able to support. Some people just don't know how to express support, but they really want to help you. However, those who do only worse are definitely not worth paying attention to. It is impossible to abandon the family, but I think it is worth paying much less attention to these people
I am that person that would never depend on anyone for anything. Not even my parents. I already am a very shy person. I have always learned that in life, I have the highest support anyone can have in myself.