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How to choose a profession?



Apr 30, 2024
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At some point, we have to choose a profession to earn. What do you think? How do you choose a profession? For me, there are lots of things we should consider while choosing it, and the main thing we should consider is our interest. One should always analyze what activity he or she enjoys. What subject does he or she find most engaging? I have always learned that if you like an activity, you should make it a profession to avoid boredom in the profession afterward . What are your criteria for it?
Our interest is the most important thing because if you are not interested in the job or profession or business then you won't be able to work wholeheartedly with it
After school, I had to choose a specialty that I would like to study. Then I chose marketing, but in reality I did not like any profession. I really like to drive a car, so now I am a simple courier and I like it, but people think it is not prestigious, so they want to have a more solid job, neglecting their own desires
I like to become a lawyer. When I was a kid I was always imagining how it feels when being called Atty. I felt thrilled but after I finished my course, took the entrance exam for Bachelor of Laws and passed but my father didn't want me to proceed. He wanted me to enrol another course BS Criminology and enter the military. But I defied the dream of my dad. I never liked to serve in the military. He understood me and gave me freedom what to choose for my life.
After school, I had to choose a specialty that I would like to study. Then I chose marketing, but in reality I did not like any profession. I really like to drive a car, so now I am a simple courier and I like it, but people think it is not prestigious, so they want to have a more solid job, neglecting their own desires

Yes, I also think it's not a prestigious job and you may not be earning money compared to other professions. I wanted to become a teacher but my parents wanted me to be an engineer. I am an engineer now and working in a corporate but I never liked my profession.
Besides my interest in a particular profession, another thing I consider is if I can actually do it. I might have interest in something but it does not really mean I would be able to do it. Another issue I consider is the pay.
For me, passion should be the ultimate driver for choosing a profession. I am into what I am doing right now because I had passion for it. I think that it is only passion that can make one persistently stay in a profession despite hard times.