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How to build a healthy relationship with people?



Oct 30, 2023
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Maintaining healthy relationship with your friends, family, co-workers, employees is very important. How can I build meaningful connections and build strong relationships with others? The answer is to prioritize quality time with loved ones by scheduling regular activities or meals together and engaging in open and honest communication. Things like empathy, active listening, and validation to strengthen emotional bonds, and showing appreciation and support for others are beneficial.
Building relationship with people is something that you need to do with a lot of care because there are so many people out there who don't understand what relationship is to all about. They are only interested in manipulating and exploiting whatever relationship you have with them to their own benefits and not contributing anything in your life.
It is very important to spend really free time just for them, because then they will understand that you are ready to sacrifice something in order to communicate with them. And the main thing is not to be distracted by other things when you are talking to them
One way to develop healthy relationships is one that is built on honesty. A relationship built on lies can never be healthy. Take time out to spend with does you call your loved ones, try to understand them and be honest with them.
Don't let your ego come in between. Most grudges are due to ego clash between equals. It is human nature to dominate. Control it.
To be honest I no longer even try these days. It is them that need to try to build a relationship with me. If there is no effort on their part I just walk way, I am not a people person. They have to be the one to reach out first. if they do I can come across as quiet friendly, but it is not sincere. I would just as soon they leave me alone.
I make sure I consider people as valuable at all times. I magnify the positives of people over their negative attributes. That has been my sure formula to build healthy relationships with people. I treat everyone with respect regardless of age or financial status.
The best way to build a good relationship with people is not behaving like an idiot because this is something a lot of people cannot stand and it messes up so many relationship.
Don't let your ego come in between. Most grudges are due to ego clash between equals. It is human nature to dominate. Control it.
I think that in people who have this feeling very acute, they will not even be able to control it for a long period of time and sooner or later it will manifest itself to such an extent that it spoils all relationships
Any relationship needs a sacrifice of some kind. Be it your time, listening intent or a helping hand. What matters is whether you want to continue or not.

The more you value the relationship, the more you let things go their way.
One thing that has helped me to have good relationships with people is that I have learned not to expect too much from people. I just keep the bar very low so that I don't get disappointed when they act out their humanity and fail. It is disappointments with people that always bring issues in relationships between them.
It is the ego that turns a villain most of the time. People won't let things go and keep lingering in the past. Small things like who calls first, who gives up first etc can make a huge impact.
It is the ego that turns a villain most of the time. People won't let things go and keep lingering in the past. Small things like who calls first, who gives up first etc can make a huge impact.
What you are saying is the obvious truth. You would see people having serious grudges and you step in to make peace. You get to ask them what the bone of contention is, they really can't say anything tangible. People should drop ego and power play in their relationship with others.
I have seen friendships and relationships break for reasons as silly as sharing the TV remote. Or who handles the groceries.

I would say, give in. You are not supposed to win them all.
Maintaining healthy relationship with your friends, family, co-workers, employees is very important. How can I build meaningful connections and build strong relationships with others? The answer is to prioritize quality time with loved ones by scheduling regular activities or meals together and engaging in open and honest communication. Things like empathy, active listening, and validation to strengthen emotional bonds, and showing appreciation and support for others are beneficial.
Maintaining healthy relationship helps in personal growth and development, meeting with good people helps to boost your life positively and helps you reach your goal faster.
All relationships requires a sufficient investment of time and efforts to maintain it's health. This could include sacrificing some leisures and preferences to make it work. It's not always a bed of roses but it's worth every sacrifice. It also has a lot of benefits
You can definitely build an healthy relationship with people and all you need to do is to involve in cultivating a mutual respect, trust and ensure adequate communication as well.
It is very important to understand that nobody is perfect. When you understand that people are going to make mistakes, that will help you not to judge people as perfect humans but rather accommodate them as people that you can work with and interact with on a daily basis.