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How to avoid overtraining and burnout during fitness routine?



Oct 30, 2023
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One of the main reasons why people do not exercise regularly is because of burnout. You can address this issue by listening to your body's signals of fatigue and adjust exercise intensity, duration, and frequency accordingly. Incorporate rest days, active recovery activities, and variety into your workout routine to prevent overuse injuries and mental fatigue. Prioritize quality sleep, nutrition, and stress management for optimal recovery and performance.
How you are going to avoid over training and burnout during fitness routine is by making sure that you listen to your body whenever you are working out. This is because you will know personally when you are given too much working out drills to your body and it's likely going to result to injury if you don't reduce what you are doing.
To simply put it, the solution for this is to know your limits. The problem with most people is that they want to rush things. It is not a must that you should do all the workouts in a single day, start small and start building your stamina form there.
I have experienced burnout during workout before, and it was mainly because I was working out everyday for 2 weeks straight! it got to a point my body could not take it anymore. Since then I have learned to take rest in between workout so as to allow my body to heal.
Is this going to be avoidable? Personally, I think that one can focus on finding a balance when one can rest or keep training. If you go to the extreme, you may end up losing out at the end of the day.
To prevent overtraining and burnout, it's crucial to listen to your body and allow for proper recovery. Vary your workout intensity, alternating harder days with lighter active recovery. Ensure you're getting enough sleep and nutritious fuel for the energy you're expending. Monitor for signs of excessive fatigue, mood changes, or declining performance which can indicate you're overdoing it.
Working a muscle should be as important as letting it rest. Once we workout a particular set of muscle, lactic acid is produced and that leads to fatigue. One has to give 36-48 hours of rest to that particular set of muscle, 48 hours is most advisable. If we don't do that, injuries are more common. It even helps to get the best result from your workout program. That's why a workout plan keepe different set of muscles on different days.