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How often do you change your toothbrush?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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The maximum I can remember using any of my toothbrush is 3 months. I can't use any toothbrush more than 3 months. There are times when I change the one I'm using within 2 months.

Do you use your toothbrush longer than 2-3 months?
I don't know, never kept track. I have an electric brush so whenever the bristles get weaker I change the head. I brush twice a day, sometimes more if I eat something garlicky!
Truthfully, I don't have any knowledge of how often I change my toothbrush. This is simply because I have never kept record of it. The only thing I know for sure is that whenever the toothpaste looks like it's old, I would have it changed immediately. I'm thinking of buying a pack of the toothbrush I'm using to keep at home.
To be honest, I have never thought about changing my toothbrush unless it gets bad and old. However, I met someone that changed that mindset by advising me that changing it once a month is one of the ways to stay away from oral issues and that has been of good help to me so far now.
It is generally recommended to change your toothbrush every three to four months, or sooner if the bristles become frayed. I follow the same. Regularly replacing your toothbrush helps maintain good oral hygiene and ensures effective cleaning of your teeth and gums.
They recommend you change it every 3-4 months but since they are so cheap, I have gotten into the habit of changing it once a month. At the end of the day we only get one set of teeth so we might as well look after them!
They recommend you change it every 3-4 months but since they are so cheap, I have gotten into the habit of changing it once a month. At the end of the day we only get one set of teeth so we might as well look after them!
Yes, it's true about toothbrushes being sold very cheap. The price of it should not be the reason not to change them often. I have made the decision to keep changing mine now at least every month or even before one month if I feel it's necessary to change the toothbrush immediately.
Yes, it's true about toothbrushes being sold very cheap. The price of it should not be the reason not to change them often. I have made the decision to keep changing mine now at least every month or even before one month if I feel it's necessary to change the toothbrush immediately.

I always buy like 4 or 5 toothbrushes whenever that I notice that I am running out of stock and using them once a month was the standard that I set for myself. It is basically for health reasons and to avoid having tooth decay as a result of using one toothbrush for a longer period of time.
I always buy like 4 or 5 toothbrushes whenever that I notice that I am running out of stock and using them once a month was the standard that I set for myself. It is basically for health reasons and to avoid having tooth decay as a result of using one toothbrush for a longer period of time.
I would say that you are going at this the wrong way because you're still spending more by buying only 4 or 5 toothbrushes whenever that you notice to be running out of stock. They sell those toothbrushes in packets. It's cheaper to buy them in packets to save even more money.
I would say that you are going at this the wrong way because you're still spending more by buying only 4 or 5 toothbrushes whenever that you notice to be running out of stock. They sell those toothbrushes in packets. It's cheaper to buy them in packets to save even more money.

I have never thought about the fact that they sell it in packets. I felt that I was saving money by buying in 5 pieces. Maybe one of these days when I am out at the shopping mall, I will have a look at how much the packet will cost and do my calculations from there. What do you think?
Maybe every 3 weeks. I used to travel a lot. Whenever I'm travelling, I'll go with a new toothbrush. The one I use at home isn't kept for too long.
Maybe it will sound scary, but when I was still a child, my parents for some reason did not pay much attention to hygiene and I could not know how it should be, and I could use a toothbrush for more than six months until they bought a new one. Now I try to do it every month because I understand how important it is and it doesn't cost that much to save
I use my toothbrush until they start turning outward. I mean I use my toothbrush until they are in good condition. The one that I am using at the moment is about 7 months old and it still looks in good condition. They say you need to change every 6 months but I do not know the logic behind this time frame.
Don't forget that a good appearance means that it is in order, if you use it carefully, it will look like that, but I will think about microbes that are not visible to the eye, but only under a microscope, and this can be harmful to your mouth
It is generally recommended to change your toothbrush every three to four months, or sooner if the bristles become frayed. I follow the same. Regularly replacing your toothbrush helps maintain good oral hygiene and ensures effective cleaning of your teeth and gums.
Yes, they really recommend doing this, but when I saw a study that showed bacteria under a microscope, the situation there was very bad when a person did not change 3 places, so the best option is mint every month and it will save your teeth for a long time
Yes, they really recommend doing this, but when I saw a study that showed bacteria under a microscope, the situation there was very bad when a person did not change 3 places, so the best option is mint every month and it will save your teeth for a long time

Even if you check your toothbrush under the microscope when it is only two weeks, you will definitely find some germs under the root of your toothbrush which is why some people even change their toothbrush on weekly basis so that they don't have to get any sort of germs contaminated in their mouth.
Even if you check your toothbrush under the microscope when it is only two weeks, you will definitely find some germs under the root of your toothbrush which is why some people even change their toothbrush on weekly basis so that they don't have to get any sort of germs contaminated in their mouth.
Yes, you are right about the fact that bacteria can be present even in two weeks, but in my opinion, these bacteria are not as harmful to our mouth as those that can be there for 3 months. And that is why it is better not to change the toothbrush even every week, but to simply boil it in water
My toothbrush comes with an indicator. They say change the brush when the stripes on the bristles are gone. It helps.
I have never really kept track of how long it takes before I change my toothbrush though. There are some that took me six months and there others lesser and some even longer.
My toothbrush comes with an indicator. They say change the brush when the stripes on the bristles are gone. It helps.
Wow, I have never heard of such a thing, because even in electric brushes that cost a lot, I have never met such a function. Write the name of the model, I will look at the cost for myself