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How often do you change the water filter in your home?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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Despite the fact that all multi-apartment buildings have water filters, each house has its own system for replacing the filter so that the water is as clean as possible. I know that the resource of one filter is 10,000 liters, but it is impossible to calculate the total amount, so on average I change it once every 2 months
We change our whole house water filter every 6 months or so.
We do not have water filter installed in our building, we get water from a water tank and we have a reserve under ground water tank. For drinking water, we buy waters in jars. Out landlord has not provided water filtration system in thew building and none of the tenants have ever demanded that he install water filter.
Every month. We have a maintenance contract with our purifier people. They come first week of every moth, do the regular stuff and fix it.
Over here we make use of water tank, but what we normally do is that from time to time we always dry the tank for proper washing. As for how long it takes before washing, we do not have a specific time frame though.
Every month. We have a maintenance contract with our purifier people. They come first week of every moth, do the regular stuff and fix it.
It's cool to do it every time and you don't have to do it yourself. I also wish I had this opportunity, but I don't have a contract and I would have to call a master who would want a lot of payment and I wouldn't have the opportunity to do it regularly
Where I live they bottle the water as it comes from glaciers and they sell it all over the world. No need for filters as it's among the purest water that you can get on the planet.
In the UK, we don't have whole house water filters but we do have jugs with water filters that we use and we tend to change the filters out for those once a month.
I try to be diligent about changing my water filter every 6 months or so. Having clean, fresh-tasting water is important to me, and those filters can really start affecting water quality once they get gunked up. I put a recurring reminder in my calendar to swap it out because it's one of those maintenance tasks that's easy to overlook until the water starts tasting funky.
I also live in such a house, but we have a completely different system. We have a separate system in the basement connected to each apartment, and there everyone has to change their water filter. We do this once a month because the water soon gets dirty
We replace our water filter every six months. It necessary because the direct supply of drinking water is not at all good and filtration is essentially required for drinking.