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How much time do you spend with your pet daily?



Mar 28, 2024
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Having a pet is a big responsibility, so I make sure to dedicate quality time to my furry friend each day. In the mornings, I take my golden retriever Buddy for a long walk around the neighborhood to burn off some energy before I head to work. When I get home in the evenings, the first thing I do is greet Buddy with belly rubs and playtime whether it's a game of fetch or just wrestling around on the living room floor. We'll also curl up together while I read or watch TV. Weekends are for hikes and trips to the dog park. Buddy's unconditional love deserves my focused attention.
When I had a cat it won't let me out of it's sight whenever I'm at home. That's what drew me very close to it then. We spend a lot of time together.
I don't have a pet, but one of the reasons why I don't have a pet besides the fact that am not used to it is that I won't have the time for it. Am extremely busy right now so it's better not to have one than to have it and completely neglect it.
I don't have a pet, but one of the reasons why I don't have a pet besides the fact that am not used to it is that I won't have the time for it. Am extremely busy right now so it's better not to have one than to have it and completely neglect it.
Yes, it is advisable to not have a pet when you know that you'll be very busy. There was the time I was also immersed in work so I had to let go off my dog, it was a painful decision but I know it's the best thing to do.
Currently, I do not have a pet, but when I had a dog, we spent a lot of time together. I left him alone only in the morning when I went to university, but then we spent all the time together until the very evening
I have a white fur kitty and he is two years old this week. He was thrown in our yard when he was newly born. My sister suggested to pet him and he is now chubby yet cutie. He dances when sees me bringing food. Iove my pet. I bought him his comfy bed online. I always carry and cuddle my pet.
Having a time spending with my pet its not a big deal because if I am at home we even spend a day with it because it was a cat I love when he was climbing my body during some of my activities and at times we sleep together

Having a time spending with my pet its not a big deal because if I am at home we even spend a day with it because it was a cat I love when he was climbing my body during some of my activities and at times we sleep together
Spending time with pets can relieve one of some certain stress. When I had a cat, she always love to stay in my presence either she's sleeping or she's gazing at me. I love to play with her when I am less busy.
As far as l am concerned, l am no that into pets so much. As of me l really like keeping of the livestock that l know there are some benefits for me doing that for that at the end of the it all for that reason l have more interests on the domestic animals and mostly the ones that gives us milk, beef skin and money in exchange
When I had a parrot, we were together almost all the time when I was at home. He sat on my shoulder most of the time and always flew with me. It's cool because that way I didn't feel alone and I think he had fun too
I don't own a pet because I know I won't be able to take out time for it. It's important to spend quality time with the pet so that it does not feel lonely. Animals too have feelings and emotions, so we should not let them alone.
I don't have any pet so I don't have to spend any time with the pet LOL, I use that time to relax and browse the web