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How much time do you dedicate to your hobby weekly?



Mar 28, 2024
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I try to carve out at least 6-8 hours per week for my hobby of painting and sketching. etc It's the perfect creative release after long work days. A couple evenings during the week, I'll spend an hour or two at my easel working on a new piece. Then I really look forward to longer stretches on the weekends to immerse myself in my art for 3-4 hour sessions. Having that dedicated hobby time helps me relax, recharge, and tap into my artistic side. It's a rewarding balance to my professional responsibilities.

How much time do you dedicate to your hobby weekly?
Just a few hours each week is okay for me. I cannot say the exact amount of hours because I wasn't counting them, but I'm sure that they were enough for me to feel refreshed for the weekend.
It's sad that I don't find out time for my hobbies from my routine life. I wonder how people find time.
I run my own forum and I like posting on other people's forums and I usually spend 20 to 25 hours a week on forums. I like posting on forums because I get to read and share thoughts online with other people.
I run my own forum and I like posting on other people's forums and I usually spend 20 to 25 hours a week on forums. I like posting on forums because I get to read and share thoughts online with other people.

I also like to spend time on the forums as get to know many new things from the forums. Most of the sites I have joined is due to the people discussing it on the various forums. Which forum do you own?
My hobby is playing football. I used to play football very much back in the days. It was almost like a daily affair of 2 hours everyday. Nowadays, I play football for only two hours on Saturdays because we have got things to do in life.
My hobby is playing football. I used to play football very much back in the days. It was almost like a daily affair of 2 hours everyday. Nowadays, I play football for only two hours on Saturdays because we have got things to do in life.
Same with me here. While in high school we play football every break time. But now I only get to play on some weekends. Adult life is really taking a toll on us, lol.
I don't have a specific amount of time I use for my hobbies, and I don't normally calculate it. I just simply spend as much time as I can.
I don't have a specific amount of time I use for my hobbies, and I don't normally calculate it. I just simply spend as much time as I can.
Same with me too, why would I be counting the number of time I spend on my hobbies when I'm supposed to spend as fun?
Same with me too, why would I be counting the number of time I spend on my hobbies when I'm supposed to spend as fun?
Exactly, being conscious of the time I spend takes away all the fun out of it. If am doing something I like I won't even know when I spend a long time on it.
Been hard to find time to myself lately. Work is very very stressful. Whenever I come back home I just watch movies and play games to relax. " Will work on that code later".
FIrst of all i discuss about my hobby, my hobby is to read and know more about technology. iam actively in a part to know about the new facts and the new thing in Information technology sector
I have a period when I don't manage to allocate time for my hobby for a week before I wrote how much I spend per month. This is approximately 2 hours per month
I spend more than 4 hours a week on my own hobby. I don't have many activities, so I often do hobbies. I spend about half an hour a day, but over time I don't like it so much anymore and sometimes I skip days