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How much sleep do you get?


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Sep 23, 2023
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How many hours of sleep do you get on average every night? Do you get enough sleep?
Not enough... usually 6-7 hours on weekdays, and a bit longer at weekends.

My own fault due to my bad habit of staying up too late :p .
I'm getting at least 7 hours of sleep every night but would love to sleep 9 hours. It's on weekends I sleep that much.
I sleep between 5 to 6 hours every night. I wish I can sleep more but because of my nature of work, it's difficult to sleep more than I already do.
I'm in the same boat with most other people, I don't get enough sleep. I am guessing I am asleep for 5-6 hours.
It depends. Last night I had 12 hours of sleep as I went to sleep around 8 pm and woke at 8:30 am.
If it's not a good night for me though, I only get around 5-6 hours.
It depends on how weak I was before going to bed. If I was down and out, I'll sleep more than 8 to 10 hours before waking up in the morning.
Sleeping very well is among my top priorities. This is because I know how important it is for my health to sleep adequately. There are so many health complications which someone who doesn't have enough sleep usually pass through and I don't want to put my health up to that. I sleep at least 8 to 9 hours every night.
I sleep at least for 8 hours per day. I feel it is extremely necessary for me. It might be an hour or so more but not less at all. Whenever I sleep for 6-7 hours, I don't wake up feeling fresh. I feel dizzy. So, yeah I make sure I sleep enough.
I sleep at least for 8 hours per day. I feel it is extremely necessary for me. It might be an hour or so more but not less at all. Whenever I sleep for 6-7 hours, I don't wake up feeling fresh. I feel dizzy. So, yeah I make sure I sleep enough.
This is the same thing for me whenever I don't sleep well enough at night. It's why I don't allow any kind of distraction when I'm ready to sleep. I will not leave my smartphone notification on because any slight noise will wake me up. If that happens, I will not be able to sleep again all throughout the night.
I try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night but that is not always possible for me and it usually ends up being around 4 - 6 hours instead unless I have a good night.

I have found I have been sleeping better since I started setting my phone to go into night mode so I get no notifications which has been a big help.
I try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night but that is not always possible for me and it usually ends up being around 4 - 6 hours instead unless I have a good night.

I have found I have been sleeping better since I started setting my phone to go into night mode so I get no notifications which has been a big help.
Having yourself sleeping only 4 hours is not good for your health. There was a time when I faced this particular challenge of not sleeping enough, I would be very weak throughout the day. I will feel dizzy and sleepy at work but I will not be able to sleep at work because it will get me fired.
For me, all days are different because of my work, because I don't have a stable schedule. And sometimes I need to be ready at 6 in the morning and sometimes even at 10. But I always have one bedtime, which is 11 in the evening, so sometimes I can sleep too much and sometimes not enough. On average, it is 7 hours
With me, I try as much as possible to finish everything which I needed to do before it's time for me to sleep at night. I know how much important it is for me to sleep well at night and I won't let anything else to make me lose sleep because I won't feel good in the morning if I don't sleep well.
I sleep 7 hours on average, sometimes I sleep more, especially during the weekends. Sometimes when I am running out of deadlines and I have a lot of work to do, I will be sleeping 5-6 hours. I also try to get 20 minutes power nap during the day time. Napping makes me feel fresh and relaxed.
Having at least 7 hours of sleep is very good. It's better to have at least 7 hours of sleep than having less of it. When you don't sleep very well the way you are supposed to, it's going to be very bad for your health. This is why I don't do anything which affects my sleep.
Not enough... usually 6-7 hours on weekdays, and a bit longer at weekends.

My own fault due to my bad habit of staying up too late :p .
6-7 hours is not that little and it all depends on what time you fall asleep. If you do it at 1 a.m. and sleep until 8 a.m., it is not enough because very little sleep hormone is produced. And if you do it from 11 pm to 6 am, you will pamper yourself much more cheerfully.
Those who are suffering from sleeping problems does not get even 4 hours of sleep every night. Even when they take all the pills they have been prescribed, it won't make them get enough sleep but just a few hours. If you sleep well at night, you're one of the luckiest person.
In my opinion, sleep is the most important component of health, and therefore getting enough sleep is important for our body. If we don't get enough, diseases can begin to form, which will only worsen our condition. It is better to consult a doctor in advance when sleep problems arise