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How much is your highest earnings from the forum sites?



Apr 30, 2024
Reaction score
I have been on the various forum sites, but as you know, one cannot earn much from these PTP sites. The highest earnings I made were from the "Speak Chat Forum." I earned $18 per month for 3 months continuously, but then they stopped paying the members. Can you tell me the forum sites from which you earned the highest earnings?
I have just started earning online and last months winning from this forum was my first big earning.
That's great. How much did you earn from this site last month? You can also try other forum sites if you have time, because that is how you can increase your online earnings. If you're serious, you must have multiple ways to earn money online.
Thanks. It was $15 last month. I loved how this website is so useful in helping me earn this amount.
That's great!

$15 from a site is good amount of money. My target is to reach $100 per month from the sites and presently I am earning $25-30 on an average. I am still searching for the good sites.
I wonder how you spare time for this because what I learned from your posts is you have a full time job so isn't it hard for you.
Yes, I have a full-time regular job, but when I am at home, I try to spend my time on the site and doing other work like teaching my kids. I am good at multi-tasking. I have been on the forum sites for many years.
That must have helped you. I used whole Sunday to enjoy with my friends and today was a busy day so I find it hard
For me, if I am at home, I keep myself busy posting; otherwise, I do not. Like yesterday, I was out of the city because one of my relatives died, so I was not active on the sites. Sometimes when at work I post in between the breaks.
I also post whenever I have time but there are times when I like to not post and take break from everything.
It happens. I joined a site about 15 years ago. It is a good site, and I have lots of friends on that site, but suddenly I started getting bored with the site and stopped posting there for a year or so, but I could not resist myself from joining it again. So we should take a break if we feel bored on the site.
I am also new to this thing so I think it's normal and I don't need to put any pressure on myself
If you put pressure on yourself, you will get bored easily. It's better to have fun than make posting work for yourself. If you make it work, you will find it a burden for yourself.
That's what I am doing and have no fixed time to post and post whenever I am interested to post