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How much data do you spend per week?



Mar 4, 2024
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When it comes to your data consumption, how much data do you spend on a weekly basis? For me I do it have a specific amount, it depends on my activities. There are times I spend 5GB or more within a day, then there are days where I could spend 5GB for a week or more. How much data do you spend each week?
No idea. I have unlimited internet connection so I don't even check my data consumption and consumes the most on weekends.
It depends on the activities you've done but I don't really spend much I spend just 3gb above in a week because I usually have to manage some of activities because I am still studying in another location taken care of my self
I have never checked it. I have a plan for unlimited Internet connection. But my bill comes the same( varies in few pennies) each month. So, it seems the data consumption stays same each month
Unlimited Internet gives me freedom to not look at my data consumption and that's why I enjoy internet browsing and don't bother myself with data consumption
I too have access to unlimited internet. I too have never bothered to check for the data consumption. But if I will check it, it would be different on different days.
I too have access to unlimited internet. I too have never bothered to check for the data consumption. But if I will check it, it would be different on different days.
It always is because our browsing pattern and habits change on different days and as per the free time available for us. I browse internet more on weekends
I have never checked it. I have unlimited data on my WiFi at home. I never found a need to keep records of the consumed data in the past.
I am not using a data plan, I have a 24/ 7 unlimited internet connection. When I travel, there is also no problem with the internet my sim card is internet on 24/7 from Globe Telecom..I am billed monthly on this but cheaper only $ 24 a month and the internet at home, at $ 22 a month.
@Kingpin . Yes, it is the case depending on the time we spend. Mine might be the other way around. I tend to use more on working weekdays. I do a lot of research and other things for my project on weekdays along with online hustles. Earlier, my weekend engagement was limited to online hustles. But now, I am in online class for four hours on Sunday morning and then one zoom meeting in the afternoon for two hours. These days, Sundays are when I spend longest hours online.
@Kingpin . Yes, it is the case depending on the time we spend. Mine might be the other way around. I tend to use more on working weekdays. I do a lot of research and other things for my project on weekdays along with online hustles. Earlier, my weekend engagement was limited to online hustles. But now, I am in online class for four hours on Sunday morning and then one zoom meeting in the afternoon for two hours. These days, Sundays are when I spend longest hours online.
That does takes a lot of internet data but in my case since I am free on weekends I tend to search cricket and sometimes stream live cricket matches
I am a heavy bandwidth user and can reach data usage of about 1Gb everyday. The only saving grace is that I have a data plug where I get data very cheaply so that my net spend on data subscription every month is not that big
1 Gb is not so much. I have consumed 2 to 3 Gb easily in a day because I have the habit to live stream cricket matches on the go.