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How many movies in a day?


Active Contributor

Aug 28, 2024
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If you are home and have whole day for yourself then how many movies can you watch in a day.
I can watch 3-4 movies if I have a free day.
If i have my free time I spend it in two ways to play games and watched movies but I prefer to play games rather than to watch but I can managed to watch 2 movies when I am having a free day.
Watching 2 movies is also good. I can watch more movies if I don't have any work on that particular day.
I do not have a specific amount of movies I watch in a day, it also depends on the amount of work on ground and if there is light. When I have lots of work to do online, I usually play movies on the background while I work. In a day I could even watch up to 4 or more.
I cannot watch movies like this because I like to enjoy movies and for this I like to listen every single dialogue of the movie.
I cannot watch movies like this because I like to enjoy movies and for this I like to listen every single dialogue of the movie.
I also listen while I work. I can watch while I work and even when am not working. It just depends on what am doing.
It's fine if you like it this way. I was only saying how I like it and I like to watch and enjoy movie
I am not much into movies and more into cricket so I can watch test or ODI Cricket live or highlights for a long time
Whenever I am at home, just know that the day is my own to do whatever I want. The whole day will be mine and I will enjoy it to the fullest. I'm very good in watching movies, I will watch like 4-5 movies or more.