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How many minutes to your work?



Mar 23, 2024
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If you are having an offline job and are not working from home then how many minutes or hours it usually take you to reach work?

For me its 15 Mins at max.
For me it's around 30 mins walk, but right now I am mostly working from home so I guess it's about a few seconds walk hehe.
That's good then, I am also quite near and it helps because I can travel easily even when it rains or its too hot
Yea, like it has been raining over here since morning but am not really worried since my work is usually done from home. The only issue I am having right now is the light.
Yes that's a problem but I guess you should have some sort of backup like you can buy an Invertor or home UPS or generator
It takes 40 mins when it's not peak hours on the road otherwise it takes an hour during peak hours because of the traffic jams. I would appreciate ir my job place is 15 mins away from my home.
Thankfully it takes me around 10-15 mins at max and it was raining today when I left for work
My apartment is just adjoining to my poultry farm. So I could rightly say that I am always at work. I probably live at work. I don't commute for any minute to work.
This is great because many people spend so much time in the commute and then they spend money on travel too so its always great to have your workplace nearby
It takes me 30-40 minutes to reach my work. This is because of the distance and mostly in the evening there is heavy traffic.
It takes me 30-40 minutes to reach my work. This is because of the distance and mostly in the evening there is heavy traffic.

I would appreciate it if my home was near my workplace. I have seen one of my colleagues who lives near my factory reach the office in 10 minutes, which is very advantageous for him as he gets more time at home with the family.
It takes me up to 15 or 20 minutes max to reach my working place. Whenever I'm late for work, I can hop on a bike and it will be about 6-10minutes and I will be there.
I usually take like 20 minutes on a car drive.
My workplace is about 10 minutes walk from my house. When I'm late I take transport though, which takes about 4 minutes.
My workplace is about 10 minutes walk from my house. When I'm late I take transport though, which takes about 4 minutes.

I wish if I had my workplace nearby my home as it takes lots of time and cost for me to reach office daily.
I would appreciate it if my home was near my workplace. I have seen one of my colleagues who lives near my factory reach the office in 10 minutes, which is very advantageous for him as he gets more time at home with the family.
This is like a steal. I'll go for this job even if I get little less salary because it's so comfortable to have your house nearby your office
That's true!!

Definitely. Fuel expense increases when your home is far away from the office. I will also compromise if my office is near. I hate to spend an hour from one side, in my car travelling to home from office or vice Versa.
Around 90 minutes, have to travel to central London.
That's true!!

Definitely. Fuel expense increases when your home is far away from the office. I will also compromise if my office is near. I hate to spend an hour from one side, in my car travelling to home from office or vice Versa.
I cannot bear the traffic and don't like to travel long distance daily and there are so many advantages when you don't need to travel a long distance.
It takes me about an hour if I use public transport and it's really inconvenient to spend so much time wasting it all because of traffic jams. But if I use a car, it takes even longer