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How long does it take you to decode the character of someone you just met?



Mar 26, 2024
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There are people that have the uncanny gift of detecting the characters of people they just meet within a short while. These kind of people just might need a 5 minute encounter with someone and they could tell the personality and character of the person.

For others, they might need to stay with someone for years and still struggle to know the personality of that person they are staying with.

How long does it take you to stay with someone to know the character of the person?
For me it depends on how close I mingle with the person. For most people it just takes me days or weeks tó see some glimpse of their true self.
For me, it takes time to know a person and sometimes I can't read a person's character. I always wish if I have that quality. Yes, there are some of my friends who easily judge people in few time.