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How has having a pet impacted your life?



Mar 28, 2024
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Getting a pet was one of the best decisions I've ever made. My cat Cleo has brought so much joy, laughter, and unconditional love into my life. Having her sweet, furry presence to come home to after a long day instantly brightens my mood. Caring for Cleo has also taught me invaluable lessons in responsibility, patience, and appreciating the simple moments. Just watching her playful antics or snuggling up for a nap reminds me to slow down and find happiness in the little things. Cleo has undoubtedly made me a more nurturing, content person.
The Labrador that I had made me develop an affinity for pets. Sometimes they act so emotional you can't help but love them so much!
I don't own one, so having a pet has never impacted my life in anyway and to be honest I do not even see it doing so anytime soon.
I don't own a pet but most of people who own pet, says they find a companion in them and get some sort of responsibilty.
Though have seen how some pets are actually so loyal to their owners and am like it these pets can do it, we humans can also be loyal to does around us.
My dog has made me much more responsible because before her appearance I did not follow anyone and did not bear so much responsibility for a living creature. Now she is dead, but she taught me this
Yes, that's what the pet help us to learn. We learn to take responsibility of someone. I also had a pet and I used to spend lots of time her and learnt that if you give love to the animals , they are going to love you.
My animals are like my children, they are a lot work but they all bring me so much joy, happiness and purpose.. even when I'm too tired or depressed to do anything, they are the reason I make an effort. Like the saying goes, "I work hard so my cats can have a better life." Their unconditional love and attention is everything to me!
I had a parrot and it helped me a lot and even though he couldn't talk I liked how cheerfully he squealed when I came home. As if he understood that we are friends. Although he did not live long, I still love those moments and understand that animals can love people too