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How elegant is this cat jump?



Sep 23, 2023
Reaction score
Normally I am only impressed by how far a cat can jump but this jump is so elegant, it's impressive!

I don't know which one is more elegant, the jump itself or the aftermath where the cat just landed and kept going as if he didn't just pulled that stunt 😳
Wow, that is the most amazing jump I ever seen!
Cats are blessed with good reflexes, am pretty sure that jump was something normal to it.
Cats are blessed with good reflexes, am pretty sure that jump was something normal to it.
I could have been :) if that is usually there, it's more than likely something they have mastered and found the best way to get over the gate :)

Cats are amazing!
I could have been :) if that is usually there, it's more than likely something they have mastered and found the best way to get over the gate :)

Cats are amazing!
Indeed they are! They've got nine lives after all...
Yes, it is a great jump. Most of the cats are good in jumps.