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How does your pet show affection?



Mar 28, 2024
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My golden retriever Buddy shows his affection in the most heartwarming ways. When I get home from work, he greets me with a wagging tail, wiggling body, and gentle nudges for pets and belly rubs. At night, Buddy curls up right next to me on the couch or bed, leaning his warm body against mine. He also has an adorable habit of resting his head on my lap when I'm sitting, gazing up at me with those soulful brown eyes. Buddy showers me with kisses too, always eager to give slobbery doggy smooches. His unconditional love shines through in every interaction.
I love when my pets try to give me a hug, shows the kind of connection we had. My dog used to do it a lot. When I open my arms wide it understands that I want a hug, and it comes running into my arms.
To the pet owners, you guys are truly trying to be honest. I don't think I have that strength to start taking care of a pet.
I don't know if you can call it affection, but my dog always slept next to my head. I think that in this way she showed her affection and I loved it very much
I don't know if you can call it affection, but my dog always slept next to my head. I think that in this way she showed her affection and I loved it very much
Yes that's definitely a way of it showing it's affection to you. That's probably a way of it telling you that they are protecting you and would always be around.