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How does your hobby help you express yourself?



Mar 28, 2024
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My hobby is my voice, my sanctuary, and my creative outlet. Through it, I express my thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a way that transcends words. Whether I'm painting, writing, or playing music, I'm able to tap into my inner world and bring my innermost thoughts and feelings to life. It's a powerful feeling, being able to share a piece of myself with others, and connect with them on a deeper level. My hobby is my language, and it speaks directly to my soul.

How does your hobby help you express yourself?
I think the way I express myself does not have anything to do with my hobby. I have not seen any way in which my hobby has helped me to express myself Okay, maybe when I'm interacting with friends in which we share the same hobbies, and that's as far as it went.
For me the best and easiest way I express myself is through writing. Though writing is not my hobby.
One of my hobbies is music and I have used music greatly to express myself. I sing my depression away and I have used music to pass messages to people which I probably wouldn't have been able to do normally in conversations.
One of my hobbies is music and I have used music greatly to express myself. I sing my depression away and I have used music to pass messages to people which I probably wouldn't have been able to do normally in conversations.
That is a peculiar way of expressing your feelings. I have sometimes found myself just sending the lyrics of a song to somebody because I could not find words to express myself. So the lyrics in that song perfectly explains how I was feeling at that particular moment.