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How do you protect nature?



Mar 18, 2024
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Protecting nature is crucial for the well-being of our planet and future generations. In my case, I am protecting our nature by giving respect to wildlife. Observe wildlife from a safe distance, avoid disturbing their habitats, and support ethical wildlife tourism to ensure the well-being of animals and their ecosystem. Another is to reduce, reuse, and recycle by minimizing waste by reducing consumption, reusing items, and recycling materials to conserve resources and reduce environmental impact. Further, connect with nature by spending time outdoors, appreciate the beauty of nature, and develop a personal connection with the environment to foster a sense of responsibility and stewardship towards protecting it.

How about you, how do you protect nature?
One way to protect nature is to ensure that we dispose our dirty properly. A lot of persons tend to dispose their dirts anywhere.
One way to protect nature is to ensure that we dispose our dirty properly. A lot of persons tend to dispose their dirts anywhere.
I agree with you on that. I hate people throwing their mess anywhere. In the city where our live, our city mayor pass a resolution and being made as an ordinance prohibiting people from throwing their garbage anywhere even in the roads, in the river that causes pollution and whoever is caught will be penalized and jailed. After that our city becomes very clean and green trees surround anywhere.
I do everything on a conscious level to save the nature...saving water, electricity, going plastic free, using cloth bags, using cloth napkins instead of tissue paper, segregation of waste, environment friendly products, walking to work place etc...They have just become my habit with a conscious living.
I agree with you on that. I hate people throwing their mess anywhere. In the city where our live, our city mayor pass a resolution and being made as an ordinance prohibiting people from throwing their garbage anywhere even in the roads, in the river that causes pollution and whoever is caught will be penalized and jailed. After that our city becomes very clean and green trees surround anywhere.
Like most times when we go for morning walks, we usually see dirts people have disposed on by the road sides messing up the whole road.
Like most times when we go for morning walks, we usually see dirts people have disposed on by the road sides messing up the whole road.
Actually especially on bye pass and I don't know why most of people tends to be so wicked they don't care about the nature
I try to avoid using plastic if I can, I don't throw garbage when I am vising forest or mountains. I don't burst crackers on any occassion. I am against the wastage of water, electricity, gas. I avoid using a car/bike if I can do.
I limit the use of plastic. I avoid using straws (ever since I saw a picture of a sea turtle swimming with a straw stuck up it's nose 😔) , I reuse what I can and most importantly I recycle.
Actually especially on bye pass and I don't know why most of people tends to be so wicked they don't care about the nature
It's annoying the funny thing is that in some places there bins you can use to dispose this, but they simply choose to throw it on the floor.
Like most times when we go for morning walks, we usually see dirts people have disposed on by the road sides messing up the whole road.
It does not anymore happen here in the city where I live.All people have their proper disposal and there are garbage trucks collectors roaming around every morning and evening to collect the garbage bags . They just place the garbage bags beside the road easy to pick up by the truck loaders.
It does not anymore happen here in the city where I live.All people have their proper disposal and there are garbage trucks collectors roaming around every morning and evening to collect the garbage bags . They just place the garbage bags beside the road easy to pick up by the truck loaders.
There was a time had an organization made by the government. They go around carry dirty for house to house but over time they stopped. Though we still have private ones doing it.
Going minimalist is one way I have adopted in the recent years, almost a decade now. It has helped me a lot with my energy level, moods and efficiency. And last but not the least, it is a great way to help the environment.
There was a time had an organization made by the government. They go around carry dirty for house to house but over time they stopped. Though we still have private ones doing it.
If there are pick up garbage trucks in your place much better. You just buy a garbage bag and once fully loaded put it near the road where the pick up garbage collector finds it easier to locate. Ours here twice a week pick up, Tuesday and Friday. I hope you have it there too.
We have a system of a garbage van that comes in the morning, and a person throws the garbage from his or her house in it. It's a good system; otherwise, people are nonsensical and throw garbage on the road. They are not bothered about the cleanliness outside their homes.
If there are pick up garbage trucks in your place much better. You just buy a garbage bag and once fully loaded put it near the road where the pick up garbage collector finds it easier to locate. Ours here twice a week pick up, Tuesday and Friday. I hope you have it there too.
We have it but I noticed they don't really enter the streets, they mostly move along the road, and where I stay is deep within the streets.
We have it but I noticed they don't really enter the streets, they mostly move along the road, and where I stay is deep within the streets.
Just drop your garbage bag along the road and the garbage pickup will pick it. Maybe, they are only following the instructions from their head office. Most garbage collectors here do not also enter a heavy street. They focus only on the road so all people place their garbage bags in the national highway.
We have a garbage pick up every day from our doorstep. It's daily for the green dustbin ( used for kitchen waste that are biodegradable and can be converted to compost) and pink dustbin ( for non disposable wastes like hair, dirt in the house, diapers, sanitary pads etc). The white dustbin is for dry and recyclable waste like paper, plastic, bottles etc. They are collected twice on Wednesday and Saturday. The glass bottles and items are to be kept separately and marked, so that the garbage pickers are not hurt. We have to dispose medical wastes like insulin injections, needles etc separately wrapped in newspaper and marked with a cross. They are also collected twice with the dry waste and so are electronic wastes. Our community has done an excellent job there in the last one decade.
Our garbage truck collector collects garbage bags twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday. We only place the garbage bags beside the road. Our house is fenced, they cannot enter. Sometimes we only placed the garbage bag every Thursday. We usually dine outside so we seldom create a mess only in the morning. We are all working.