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How do you not sound offensive?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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How do you tell someone who's trying to start a relationship with you that he has a mouth odour without sounding offensive? I find this as a very serious predicament which one of my friend found herself in and she's seeking for ways to address this matter without making the guy feel bad.

What approach do you guys think she should use and tell the guy about his mouth odour?
It's important to approach this situation with kindness and sensitivity. One possible approach is to have an open and honest conversation about personal hygiene, emphasizing the importance for both parties. Additionally, suggesting mouthwash or gum as a way to maintain freshness can be helpful.
I hope that I don't find myself in this kind of situation because I have a problem with being blunt all the time in everything I'm doing. I don't I know how to mince words to sound calm or soft. I will come out sharp and tell the person what I know and feel. If you have mouth odour or body odour, I will look the person right in the face and tell them about it. If they choose to be pissed about it, that's their personal problem.
This is always difficult to approach as you do not want to sound rude but you also do not want to upset or embarrass them either.

I guess one way to do it, would be to pull them to the side and let them know and tell them you did it because you were concerned, they may be a little embarrassed but at least you did not do it out in public where it would have been more embarrassing.
This is always difficult to approach as you do not want to sound rude but you also do not want to upset or embarrass them either.

I guess one way to do it, would be to pull them to the side and let them know and tell them you did it because you were concerned, they may be a little embarrassed but at least you did not do it out in public where it would have been more embarrassing.
I can agree that this is a very smart way of handling this kind of situation. Telling the person publicly where there are other people isn't cool because the person will be embarrassed and humiliated. If it's done in private and the person is also smart, he would know that you're looking out for him by telling him in private.
I am going to be honest that this is a delicate situation because no matter how you handle it, the person is going to feel offensive. So, it is important to check if you truly care about this person as that is what is going to determine how you handle the whole situation.
I am going to be honest that this is a delicate situation because no matter how you handle it, the person is going to feel offensive. So, it is important to check if you truly care about this person as that is what is going to determine how you handle the whole situation.
This is true! The person will feel offended but if he or she is wise, the person will know that you meant well for him or her by looking out to make him or her become better with hygiene. I watched a video on TikTok last night where a lady was stained by her menses without knowing. She was walking along the road while some people try talking to her about it. She felt so embarrassed.
This is true! The person will feel offended but if he or she is wise, the person will know that you meant well for him or her by looking out to make him or her become better with hygiene. I watched a video on TikTok last night where a lady was stained by her menses without knowing. She was walking along the road while some people try talking to her about it. She felt so embarrassed.

Being corrected for something or a situation doesn't mean that the person doing so doesn't like you or anything, but shows that you have to improve. I don't see any reason anyone would want to claim that they will get angry at someone they claim to care about for telling them the truth about themselves. At what benefit will one want to think like that?
I'm not sure that you can be offended by this, because if the smell is really there, why not recognize it. When I had such a problem, my friends just told me to go brush my teeth and I understood that there was some problem that needed to be solved because I brushed my teeth regularly
Being corrected for something or a situation doesn't mean that the person doing so doesn't like you or anything, but shows that you have to improve. I don't see any reason anyone would want to claim that they will get angry at someone they claim to care about for telling them the truth about themselves. At what benefit will one want to think like that?

I have meet so many people who doesn't understand when you're trying to help them in the ways which you can. These kind of persons always think they are better off without the help you want to give them but they are wrong in ways which doesn't benefit them.
It is difficult not to sound offensive without contradiction what someone is saying. IN other words, if you disagree with someone, and want to give your opinion, it is nor possible not to sound offensive. However, if you keep your mouth shut, you will never sound offensive. I sometimes use this strategy.
The question is does she like the guy? Cause in a situation where she does not, even when she tries not to be offensive, trust me the guy would definitely be offended or at least feel hurt.
I believe that there are some choice of words that one can use in that kind of situation that will not make the person to feel offended when you mention it. Alternatively, the person can buy some things like a good toothpaste or mouthwash, the guy will get the message without having to say anything.
Tell him straight up. A good relationship starts with honesty, and if he is easily insulted then he may not be the man that you need.
This is a delicate situation that requires tact. Rather than mentioning it directly, you could say something like "I really enjoy our conversations, but I've noticed an odor when we're talking closely that's distracting me. Have you tried using gum or mints?" Deliver it gently and avoid negative terms like "bad breath." If they're understanding, they'll appreciate you caring enough to discreetly give them a heads up.
I really don't know how to get manage the truth. I would just tell him or her that there is something I want to tell him or her. I would make them promise not to make a fuss of it and go ahead to spill it.