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How do you know you are in love?



Mar 18, 2024
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Knowing you are in love can be a mix of emotions, thoughts, and actions that signify a deep connection and attachment to someone. Here are common signs you might be in love:
  • You think about the person often and cherish your time together.
  • You feel a strong emotional bond and are deeply concerned about their well-being.
  • You prioritize their happiness and support their goals and dreams.
  • You feel comfortable being your true self around them and vice versa.
  • You experience a sense of joy, fulfillment, and contentment when you are with them.
  • You deeply respect and admire them for who they are.
  • These signs can vary from person to person but they can offer some insights into recognizing when love is on the air. Have you experienced any of these feelings when you were in love?
Love is a beautiful thing yet it could also be confusing. You know when you are in love when even angry at them, you still want to care or protect them.
I think we do start feeling happy and occupied when we are in love and start thinking about that one person all the time
Love is a beautiful thing yet it could also be confusing. You know when you are in love when even angry at them, you still want to care or protect them.
That is right, that is why, do not take love seriously if it is your first time to fall in love. Indeed, it is confusing and mind blowing.
That is right, that is why, do not take love seriously if it is your first time to fall in love. Indeed, it is confusing and mind blowing.
Lol most times it might be the first time but whenever you fall for someone it always seems like the first time due to the emotions you are feeling.
When you are always thinking about them and you couldn't pass a longer time without seeing each other know that you are crazy about them
Another way of knowing you are already falling in love is when even the little things they do like not replying your messages or not complimenting you and the likes seems to hurt you.
I don't fall in those kinds of fairy tale love. I just intentionally commit to whoever I wish to commit to. That's why I don't get to experience those things that the original poster listed.
Lol most times it might be the first time but whenever you fall for someone it always seems like the first time due to the emotions you are feeling.
The feeling is so nice when we are in love. We are always inspired. There is no moment of sadness, only happiness. There is also a reason to wake up the next day because of love.
The feeling is so nice when we are in love. We are always inspired. There is no moment of sadness, only happiness. There is also a reason to wake up the next day because of love.
That's true, there is always this excitement about what would happen the next day, like what adventure you will be entering with them.
Yes, I feel joy and contentment when I am with someone I love. It's always a good feeling when I am with my wife and my kids. They are the ones I love the most in my life.
That's true, there is always this excitement about what would happen the next day, like what adventure you will be entering with them.
That is true, our hearts are always filled with life and inspiration. We like to strive hard for the sake of our one and only.
That is true, our hearts are always filled with life and inspiration. We like to strive hard for the sake of our one and only.
Yes, there is always this push to want to do better and be better for these people all the time.
Yes, there is always this push to want to do better and be better for these people all the time.
That surely happens when you are truly in love and not to consider it as a game. True love finds a way and no-one can block two people 9n love even facing a sharp knife. True love never gives up or surrenders.
When you fall in love with all those tingling in your stomach from the get go, it would be extremely difficult for you when that love experiences the challenge of heartbreak which is a must to happen.
That surely happens when you are truly in love and not to consider it as a game. True love finds a way and no-one can block two people 9n love even facing a sharp knife. True love never gives up or surrenders.
Hmmm so what about in a situation where it feels hopeless, like the person doesn't love you or you are not sure, would this not be the best time to surrender? Or what's your take on this aspect.
Hmmm so what about in a situation where it feels hopeless, like the person doesn't love you or you are not sure, would this not be the best time to surrender? Or what's your take on this aspect.
Do not give up or surrender love because of one person's refusal. Find another love that matches your feelings, than giving up. Only cowards give up love. Never feel hopeless .
Do not give up or surrender love because of one person's refusal. Find another love that matches your feelings, than giving up. Only cowards give up love. Never feel hopeless .
True, which means we should give up on that person and find someone else? But it's not that easy though to fin someone who you love and will love you back in return.
True, which means we should give up on that person and find someone else? But it's not that easy though to fin someone who you love and will love you back in return.
You have to make friendship with that person to get to know each other better. That's first thing to do to forget too the previous pain that sucks like eternal. To heal the misery is love itself. Let's never give up love.
You have to make friendship with that person to get to know each other better. That's first thing to do to forget too the previous pain that sucks like eternal. To heal the misery is love itself. Let's never give up love.
Yes that's true, every relationship built on friendship tends to last longer than other ones where they just come and start dating. It will also be easier to understand each other.