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How do you keep a house with pets in order?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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Pets always live at the call of nature, so they cannot keep the house clean and do not understand that dirt is left behind them. I only have a parrot, so he doesn't leave behind a lot of waste, and his feathers don't fall out often, and I don't have to clean up the droppings as often as owners of cats or dogs, for example.
We have an African Gray (parrot) and 3 cats, one that is super messy when eating. It is a lot of work to keep the house clean. Our parrot creates a lot of dust because of her feathers, so her room needs to be vacuumed and cage cleaned often. The cat litter boxes gets cleaned every day and we vacuum as well. Also, since cats like to walk everywhere, we have to clean surfaces constantly, otherwise there will be lots of paw prints everywhere!
The cats are doing sometimes by the fact of stress their dirt everywhere. You could make them a place to place their dirt and they does not. The solution is to keep them outside house and give them food and having a garden so they could do their needs there.
The cats are doing sometimes by the fact of stress their dirt everywhere. You could make them a place to place their dirt and they does not. The solution is to keep them outside house and give them food and having a garden so they could do their needs there.
Of course, this is a good idea, because cats are predatory animals and they will never adapt to a full life at home like people, but not everyone has their own yard where a pet can live, and even if it is winter, cats are not very pleasant to live in.

We have an African Gray (parrot) and 3 cats, one that is super messy when eating. It is a lot of work to keep the house clean. Our parrot creates a lot of dust because of her feathers, so her room needs to be vacuumed and cage cleaned often. The cat litter boxes gets cleaned every day and we vacuum as well. Also, since cats like to walk everywhere, we have to clean surfaces constantly, otherwise there will be lots of paw prints everywhere!
It sounds very difficult because I can't imagine having 3 cats. Of course, I'm sure they bring you joy, but how long does it all take, because I only have one cat and a one-room apartment, so it won't take more than 5 minutes to vacuum the whole house, and up to 10 minutes to wash the litter box
If you train your pets well, they will not litter your house unnecessarily. It's how I've trained my dog. He's well behaved who never messes up the room.
I like animals but I do not like them to have as pets, they will create workloads for you as you need to clean them, groom them, etc. I have goldfish as a pet. I had to buy goldfish when my kid insisted. Since it stays in a glass bowl, it does not create mess in the house. All I have to do is, change water once a day and give him food.
I like animals but I do not like them to have as pets, they will create workloads for you as you need to clean them, groom them, etc. I have goldfish as a pet. I had to buy goldfish when my kid insisted. Since it stays in a glass bowl, it does not create mess in the house. All I have to do is, change water once a day and give him food.
It is possible and cool to have only a fish that does nothing bad in your house, but what is the point of it, because then you can neither pet it nor play with it, it is just like a statue, only moving
I can't really say much about this since I don't have pets, but I think pets are like little kids, the same way you try to make them behave, you can also try to make your pets behave. Training them to some extent is also an option I guess.
Having pets can certainly make it challenging to keep a tidy home! The key for me is being diligent about regular cleaning routines. I vacuum frequently to keep pet hair at bay and groom the animals regularly. Most importantly, I stock up on lots of pet odor eliminator sprays and air fresheners.
I'm just planning to get a cat, but my girlfriend has a cat and she says that it's very difficult because you have to clean even twice a day, but that doesn't stop me. I will definitely buy a convenient vacuum cleaner and a mop to make such cleaning quick and pleasant for me
Although I don't detest animals, I can't maintain a pet in my little house because of space constraints. I believe it would be best not to keep the pets because they need a lot of care, which I know I won't be able to do