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How do you handle pet hair and mess?



Mar 28, 2024
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Pet hair and messes are simply part of having a furry family member! We invest in high-quality vacuums and regularly groom our pets to cut down on excessive shedding. Accidents happen, so we use enzyme-based cleaners to tackle stains and odors. Designating certain areas as pet-free zones also helps contain the mess. Above all, we approach pet messes with patience and remember that a little hair is a small price to pay for the unconditional love our pets provide.

How do you handle pet hair and mess?
All the pet I have had have been specifically trained to always defecate at a particular bowl reserved for them. So they don't little everywhere. As for the hairs, it can always be removed by sweeping.
I have never had to deal with this before because I don't have any pets. I believe there are specific trainings pet owners go through to sort this out.
When I had a dog, it wasn't like that, and it was important because I like to clean, so every day I spent 5 minutes vacuuming the room. I also combed the dog quite often
I don't have a pet so don't know how to take care of them. Yes, there are separate saloons for them where they're groomed.