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How do you cope with stress?



Mar 4, 2024
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Each and everyone of us have different ways we cope with stress. There are persons who use music as a defense mechanism they use in dealing with stress. There are others who when stressed, they tend to sleep it off. How do you deal with stress?
Actually you are right but I tend to seep it off till I rest assured that I all the stress have gone in other to gain fresh memory for me to start my day healthier
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Good one, when we take a little nap, it helps to refresh our brain making it a lot easier to find solution.
I think one should really avoid the chances for developing the stress on them. I have realized that the health complications that comes with the stress are very daring for that matter. I have learned that even depression is being caused by the stress.
Stress can really gets to me. You would see it clearly on my face. And my strategy to manage the stress is to sleep. I really wish that I don't have to stress myself as much as I do everyday.