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How do you choose places to travel? What factors are important to you?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I don't know how it is, but it is very easy for me to choose a country for travel. In the first place for me is the sea and a warm climate, so these countries are always a priority. If I want something more specific, for me it's architecture and culture, then I just need to find out the countries with the richest culture and I'll be there in a couple of days. And how do you choose countries?
I like the beach and warm weather, so what I look for is for the clearest water and most beautiful beach, as well as safest. For example, many years ago I visited the Bahamas, absolutely beautiful, but at this time there are multiple reports of high crime, so no matter how beautiful it may be, the Bahamas is not an option at this time, same goes for Jamaica. I also like to enjoy different cultures, food and architecture, but again, safety is my main concern so I choose my travels based on how safe the country is.
I do not like to travel to city, I like to travel to the hinterlands, I like to go to the jungles and the himalayas. Even though I also like visiting ancient monuments and learn about history, my preference is to travel to the places where there are less people and I can be away from the people in the lap of natural beauty.
I do not like to travel to city, I like to travel to the hinterlands, I like to go to the jungles and the himalayas. Even though I also like visiting ancient monuments and learn about history, my preference is to travel to the places where there are less people and I can be away from the people in the lap of natural beauty.
Usually, such places are very difficult to find, because if there are no people there, it is difficult to travel there, and therefore it is very difficult to learn about such places. How do you find such places so that you can stay in silence and yet not many people know about them?
Majority of the times I travel, is not really about choosing the place cause I really don't have a choice. I have never had the opportunity to travel for pleasure or for personal reasons. All the times I have traveled is usually because I have something to do, so due to that I don't usually have a choice as to where I am going to.
Majority of the times I travel, is not really about choosing the place cause I really don't have a choice. I have never had the opportunity to travel for pleasure or for personal reasons. All the times I have traveled is usually because I have something to do, so due to that I don't usually have a choice as to where I am going to.
It's a pity, because I don't think that the journey to where you have to go is great and it's unlikely to be some beautiful mountains or cool landscapes. These are most likely offices or some boring cities or not?
It's a pity, because I don't think that the journey to where you have to go is great and it's unlikely to be some beautiful mountains or cool landscapes. These are most likely offices or some boring cities or not?
Lol you are right, it's never really any place cool, the only cool places might just be some of the landscapes I might come across while traveling. Hopefully I should one of these days I am going to travel just for my own pleasure.
Climate, safety, cleanliness, cost of living.

I do not want to be in place which has everything but not safe enough. There are towns which are famous for parties, but unsafe in many aspects.
When choosing travel destinations, I'm drawn to places with rich cultural heritage, stunning natural landscapes, and unique experiences. Cost is also a consideration, as I try to balance my wanderlust with a reasonable budget. Safety and political stability are important factors that influence my decisions.
I do my research to find out if they have the best amenities that can sustain me during my stay there. I value my comfortability a lot when I'm in a new place.
For me, the most important thing is the climate, because I don't really like the cold seasons, although traveling there is much cheaper than in warm countries. But warm weather and safety are the main factors that I pay attention to the most