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How difficult is it to keep track of children on a walk?



Mar 5, 2024
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I have two children but they are 1 year apart and it is quite easy for me to keep track of them because they are always together. They do not run away from me. At first, I was afraid that I would not be able to walk with the children by myself, and we did it with my husband, but it turned out that it is a simple task for one
Normally kids like to run away and that's why it's difficult to move with kids in busy areas
I really doff my hat for moms that have hyper active kids. Those kinds of kids that are always doing one activity or the other. It is not easy to control such kids on a walk. You would have to be extra vigilant.
I have hyper active nephews. The way they used to run around makes me to be so stressed that I get easily tired chasing after them. I am so vigilant while walking with them on a walk, I love to hold them by the hands so they won't run off.
I had 4 kids all close together, they are all now 15, 16 (17 in December), 18 (19 in October) and 20 (21 in February) and when they were younger, I found I needed some help keeping an eye on them all but once I had a routine, I found it much easier.
I had 4 kids all close together, they are all now 15, 16 (17 in December), 18 (19 in October) and 20 (21 in February) and when they were younger, I found I needed some help keeping an eye on them all but once I had a routine, I found it much easier.
That must have been hard because nowadays wives find hard to take care of 1 kid 🤣 and you have managed to take care of 4 kids. That's a great achievement shortie.
Taking care of kids is not an easy feat. I am not married yet and do not have any kids, but I have stayed with my little nieces most times and it can be pretty challenging taking care of them.