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How did you court your girlfriend or wife?



Mar 18, 2024
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Courting a lady of your heart may be somewhat special to avoid rejection, however, no matter how hard you try, you are still junk by the girl. There might be something wrong in your approach so you modify your courtship. I got a boyfriend when I was 12 years old. The guy courted me by sending love letters and artworks he made. Once, he got my wallet and wrote " I love you". I was laughing but accepted him after 3 months but our relationship lasted only one month, lol. My other suitors have different styles like sending me roses, sweet oranges, and visiting at home. the feeling is over the moon once someone courts a girl.

What was your style in courting a girl or wife to those already married?
I am single at the moment, so am guessing it would take awhile before I will get a reply for this thread hehe.
I am single at the moment, so am guessing it would take awhile before I will get a reply for this thread hehe.
The time you courted a girl in the past could be something unforgettable. Did you send flowers or chocolates? Did you visit her in her house. It might be hard for you to recall the past especially if it did not end well. When my suitors courted me, they sent me red roses and moist cake. Others visited me at home if they are brave.