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How big is your world?

Mad Hatter


Mar 6, 2024
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I am not a people person and I keep my world as small as possible. I am not the friendly type and do not invite people into it. My girlfriend is even worse than I am and doesn't even like people. We are loners and like it that way. My world consists of many acquaintances but only 4 friends, they are:

(1) My girlfriend
(2) My best friend
(3) My boss
(4) My dog

*I have a sister that I get along with but she lives very far away.

Everybody else can bugger off and stay away as far as I'm concerned. How about you, how small or big is your world?
I am not someone who likes drama or anything else like that so I keep my world quite small too. I have

My four kids
My mum
My dad
My grandma
My auntie and uncle
My two brothers
My boyfriend

I am happy with a world that big and wouldn't have it any other way.
@Shortie your world is much bigger than mine and I'm happy to read that you are able to manage it all.:)
@Shortie your world is much bigger than mine and I'm happy to read that you are able to manage it all.:)
I guess having close family that has helped, my family have helped me through a lot and I wouldn't be without them :)
Big, very big. I have all sorts of people in it.

To be honest, other than the numerous friends I got through the years, I inherited the rest ( relatives ). Our family is old and has many branches, many of whom still stay in touch.
My world is almost like yours, with the exception of a few friends added in my case. I don't have much network, but the few I have are quality ones who Will certainly turn up whenever I need help with anything.
the few I have are quality ones who Will certainly turn up whenever I need help with anything.
I used to have about 10 friends when younger. Some of them moved far away and we gradually lost contact. A couple of them stabbed me in the back, and a couple more turned out to be lousy people (drugies/boozers) so I ended the friendships.
Myself, my family and my avatar and that's it.
I think to live my life privately, when it comes to my world, besides my family it's just me and my bestie. Even with my family it's not all the times I talk to them.
I used to have about 10 friends when younger. Some of them moved far away and we gradually lost contact. A couple of them stabbed me in the back, and a couple more turned out to be lousy people (drugies/boozers) so I ended the friendships.
A big win for you if you ask me. You absolutely have no need for friends like that in your life.
I have a husband and 2 children. I rarely see my boss. I have a sister, but she is also very far away and we don't talk often. I see my parents only twice a year. However, I have 5 friends with whom we spend a lot of time