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Having A Black Cat As Pet?



Mar 23, 2024
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I haven't seen anyone in India till now that has a Black cat as a pet and even cats as pets are not common because of the belief that they are not good for our fortunes and it's an endless debate. although I don't think there is any such thing in west.
I don't want a cat as pet no matter the color. I do not even want to have pets in general at the moment. I have never been used to pets so I don't plan on getting one right now.
Even I never had a pet and have no plans to have it and even if I have a plan then it would be a Dog and never a Cat
I see having pets as a responsibility. You have to give them attention, feed them as care for them. I honestly do not have that time to give to pets.
Me too, I have no plans to pet any animal as I don't think I can take care of it as I am also busy with work.
I don't have a plan to have a pet. I don't see people keeping a cat as a pet here normally, and that too is a black cat. Because of the superstition, black cats are considered unlucky, so people hesitate to keep them as pets.
I don't have a plan to have a pet. I don't see people keeping a cat as a pet here normally, and that too is a black cat. Because of the superstition, black cats are considered unlucky, so people hesitate to keep them as pets.
True, I noticed people from your side do not normally keep pets. Over here too we still see black cats as something bad.
In my country, many people also believe that a black cat can bring bad luck, but this is only if the cat is a street cat. However, no one thinks about it if they choose a small cat and he definitely cannot bring misfortune at home
Cats in general is looked as something weird in my country. People tend to suspect them as witches or something that is possessed.
Cats in general is looked as something weird in my country. People tend to suspect them as witches or something that is possessed.

That's the case in my country too. People here normally don't pet a car because they are considered to bring misfortune. People are very superstitious here.
There are so many stories and superstition which are linked with black cats and that's why even petting a cat is not common in India